Source: New Japan Pro-Wrestling

Best of Super Juniors: Night 6 Results (5/19)

5th MATCH: Rocky Romero (0) vs. Ren Narita (0)

They lock up. They trade holds. Narita takes Romero down with a headscissors. Narita uses his legs to wrench on Romero’s neck. Romero counters with a Bow & Arrow Lock. Narita breaks out and locks in a side headlock. Romero counters with a full nelson. Romero transitions to a cravate. Narita tries to escape, but Rocky keep it locked in.

Narita breaks the hold. Both men trade snapmares. Romero takes Narita down and works the arm. Romero continues the assault on the arm.

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Romero gets a nearfall. Romero returns to stretching the shoulder. Romero transitions to a double wristlock. Narita fights to the ropes.

Rocky pummels Narita and locks him in a cobra clutch. Romero hits a series of arm-wrench shoulder tackles.

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Narita counters a Shiranui. Narita rolls up Romero with a series of nearfalls. Romero counters with La Magistral.

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Narita locks in a Cloverleaf. Romero fights to the ropes.

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Romero hits a lariat. Romero covers for two. They trade nearfalls. They trade blows.

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Romero goes for Diablo Armbar. Narita counters with a rollup. Romero counters with Diablo Armbar. Narita submits in 12:28.

WINNER: Rocky Romero (2 pts)


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