WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/21/19)

Kingston is being taken out of the arena on a stretcher. Kingston gets off the stretcher and walks to the back under his own power.

Backstage, Roman Reigns walks into the parking lot. Elias plays his guitar while on top of one of the WWE’s trucks.

Bayley and Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans and Charlotte Flair

The match started during the break. Flair boots Bayley in the back of the head. Flair chokes Bayley in the ropes. Evans and Flair take turns beating down Bayley. Bayley manages to tag in Lynch. Lynch dropkicks Flair off the top. Lynch knocks Evans off the apron. Lynch blasts Flair with a forearm off the middle rope. Exploder by Lynch. Flair complete shots Lynch into the top turnbuckle. After a distraction by Evans, Flair boots Flair in the face. Lynch puts Flair in the DisArmHer. Evans breaks it up with a devastating Women’s Right. Bayley tags herself in rolls up Flair for the win!

Winners- Bayley and Becky Lynch

Backstage, Jinder Mahal attacks R-Truth. R-Truth gets away. The B-Team attack R-Truth. Dallas pulls Axel off of R-Truth as he goes for the pin. In the confusion, R-Truth gets away again.

Ziggler walks out on the ramp and says when Ali got hurt Kingston stepped up but it should have been Ziggler. Everything Kingston has done, it should have been Ziggler. Ziggler has tears in his eyes. Every day since WrestleMania Kingston has outperformed everyone and everyone respects him and admires him but it should be Ziggler. Ziggler said that’s why he did what he did. Ziggler will win the WWE Championship at Super Showdown. Ziggler says when he wins people will finally respect him.

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