will ospreay
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

Best of Super Juniors: Night 12 Results (5/30)

5TH MATCH: Yoh (8) vs. Ren Narita (0)

They lock up. They trade holds. Yoh gets Narita on the mat. Narita fights to his feet. Narita takes Yoh to the mat. They break.

They lock up. Yoh locks in a side headlock. Yoh grounds Narita with the hold. Yoh hits a drop toe hold. Narita locks in a side headlock. They trade shoulder tackles. Narita drops Yoh with a tackle. Yoh hits a low dropkick. Yoh locks in a Spinning Toe Hold. Yoh pulls at and stretches Narita’s leg. Narita fights back with chest slaps. Yoh kicks the leg. Yoh dominates Narita in the corner. Yoh locks in an kneebar. Narita fights to the ropes.

Narita floors Yoh. Narita hits a corner back elbow. Narita gets a nearfall. Yoh counters a Belly To Belly Suplex. Yoh counters a Boston Crab. Narita counters a Dragon Screw. Yoh hits a flying forearm. Yoh climbs to the top rope. Narita dodges the attack. Yoh floors Narita. Narita rolls up Yoh for two. Yoh counters a Boston Crab. Narita counters Stargazer. Narita locks in Narita Special No. 3. Yoh gets to the ropes.

Yoh counters a German Suplex. Yoh hits a Suplerkick. Yoh hits a Falcon Arrow. Yoh covers for two.

Narita counters a Dragon Suplex. They trade rollups. Yoh hits an uppercut. Narita hits an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex. Narita hits a German Suplex. Narita covers for two.

Yoh locks in Stargazer. Narita submits in 12:22.

WINNER: Yoh (10pts)

6TH MATCH: Bandido (6) vs. Robbie Eagles (10)

Fast and furious start. Bandido follows up a stereo dropkick spot with a dropkick. Eagles sends Bandido to the apron and kicks him to the floor. Eagles hits a somersault suicide dive. Bandido dodges a baseball slide. Eagles hits a back body drop, sending Bandido to the entrance ramp. Eagles gets back in the ring. Bandido beats the countout.

Eagles knees Bandido in the back. Eagles climbs to the top rope. Bandido dodges a 450 splash. Bandido hits an Enzuigiri and a Tornillo. Bandido hits a knee strike. Eagles hits a low dropkick. Eagles hits a series of mid kicks. Bandido hits a Mexican Cutter. Bandido hits a reverse brainbuster. Bandido hits a sliding knee strike. Bandido covers for two.

Eagles gets on the apron. Eagles slips on a springboard attack. Eagles locks in Ron Miller Special. Bandido fights to the ropes.

Eagles attacks the leg. Eagles hits a Shiranui DDT. Eagles covers for two.

[stream died briefly]

Bandido hits Argentine GTS. Eagles counters 21-plex with a Poison Rana. Eagles covers for two.

Eagles climbs the top rope. Bandido blocks a 450 splash and rolls up Eagles for two. Bandido blocks a Shiranui and puts Eagles on the top rope. Bandido hits a Moonsault Fallaway Slam for the pinfall in 9:35.

WINNER: Bandido (8pts)


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