will ospreay
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

Best of Super Juniors: Night 12 Results (5/30)

7TH MATCH: Rocky Romero (6) vs. BUSHI (8)

Romero spits water in BUSHI’s face to start. BUSHI rolls out of the ring. BUSHI dodges a baseball slide. BUSHI hits a Tope Suicida. BUSHI sends Romero into the ring post. BUSHI rolls Romero back in the ring.

BUSHI removes his shirt and chokes Romero with it. BUSHI works over Romero’s leg in the corner. BUSHI hits a Neckbreaker. BUSHI covers for two.

BUSHI attacks the leg. BUSHI hangs Romero on the top rope. Romero dodges a diving attack. Romero snaps BUSHI’s arm on the top rope.

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Romero hits a Tornado DDT into a Falcon Arrow into an armbar. BUSHI wrestles out.

BUSHI continues to attack Romero’s knee. BUSHI hits a codebreaker. BUSHI covers for two. BUSHI hits MX for the pinfall in 10:21.


8TH MATCH: Will Ospreay (10) vs. Douki (2)

Ospreay clotheslines Douki out of the ring and hits a plancha. They brawl into the crowd. Ospreay stops Taichi from interfering. Ospreay sends Douki into the third row. Ospreay takes out Taichi and stomps on him. Ospreay rolls Douki back in the ring. Douki sends Ospreay back to the floor.

Douki distracts the referee. Douki climbs to the top rope and hits a diving senton to the floor. Douki distracts the referee and Taichi takes out Ospreay with a chair. Ospreay gets back in the ring. Douki maintains dominance. Douki hits a back elbow. Douki covers for two. Douki gets another nearfall.

Douki uses his legs to lock in a full nelson. Douki breaks the hold. They trade blows. Ospreay hits a handspring rebound enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a huge roundhouse. Ospreay hits a corner back elbow. Ospreay hits a shotgun dropkick. Ospreay gets a nearfall.

Ospreay chops away at Douki. Ospreay hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Douki dodges a Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay dodges a dropkick and hits a Penalty Kick. Douki counters a standing shooting star press with a scissors triangle armbar. Ospreay gets to the ropes.

Douki hits a northern lights suplex. Douki covers for two. Ospreay counters Suplex De La Luna. Douki counters an enzuigiri. Ospreay rolls up Douki for two. Douki hits a lariat. They trade blows.

[stream died briefly]

Douki counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay kicks him. Douki hits a Gory Special Neckbreaker. Douki backslides Ospreay for two.

Douki gets on the apron. Ospreay counters a springboard attack with a headkick. Ospreay hits a rope hing Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Douki blocks Stormbreaker. Douki hits a hurricanrana. Ospreay hits a Liger Bomb. Ospreay covers for two.

After a series of reversals, Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Taichi distracts Ospreay and the referee. Douki hits Ospreay with a cane. Douki covers for two.

Ospreay counters a dragon suplex. Ospreay hits a head kick. Ospreay hits Hidden Blade. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pin in 16:17.

WINNER: Will Ospreay (12pts)


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