NXT TakeOver XXV Live Results

WWE NXT TakeOver XXV Live Results (6/1/19)

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Io Shirai 

Baszler tries to break Io’s arm. Io rolls out of it and hits a spine-tingling kick to Baszler’s back. Basement dropkick by Io. Baszler rolls out of the ring. Baseball slide by Io. Io goes up top. Baszler pulls Io off the top rope. Io hits the mat back first. Baszler reality checks Io, stomping her elbow into the mat. Baszler puts Io and a double wrist lock. Io counters into a roll up. Baszler escapes and levels Io with a lethal lariat. Baszler works over Io’s injured arm. Baszler tries to reality check Io’s other arm. Io moves out of the way. Io deadlift German suplexes Baszler. Io can’t hold for the pin. Io’s arm is seriously damaged. Io lands a few strikes. Tiger feint kick by Io. Springboard dropkick for a near fall by Io. Baszler and Io trades strikes. Io traps Baszler’s arm and locks in a crossface. Baszler stands out of it and suplexes Io. Baszler puts Io and a hangman’s arm wringer. Io escapes and dropkicks Baszler off the top rope.

Baszler crashes to the outside. Io hits a high angle moonsault off the top to the outside. Missle dropkick followed by Meteora by Io. Io calls for her finisher. Shafir and Duke run down the ramp. Candice LeRae runs down with a kendo stick and takes out Duke and Shafir. Baszler puts Io in the Kirifuda clutch. Io counters and hits a palm thrust. Io misses a moonsault Baszler almost locks in the clutch. Io reverses it into a pin. Baszler kicks out. Io tries a roll-up but Baszler turns that into the Kirifuda Clutch. Io struggles to get to the ropes. Io eventually taps out.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Shayna Baszler!

After the match, Io beats the crap out of Baszler with a kendo stick. Io hits her patented moonsault. Io tells LeRae to give her a chair. Io hits moonsault while holding a chair.

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