jon moxley
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Best of Super Juniors Finals Results (6/5) Takagi/Ospreay, Moxley Debuts, More

SIXTH MATCH: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jay White

White attacks Tanahashi before the bell. They brawl on the outside. Gedo distracts Tanahashi. White throws Tanahashi into the barricade. White rolls Tanahashi back in the ring.

White hits a corner back elbow. White attacks Tanahashi’s recently repaired arm. Tanahashi fights back. White dumps Tanahashi over the top rope. White locks in a hammerlock, and drives Tanahashi’s arm and back into the barricade and the ring apron repeatedly. White throws Tanahashi, shoulder first, into the ring post. White tauntingly kicks at Tanahashi. White wraps Tanahashi’s arm around the barricade.White continues assaulting the appendage. White gets back in the ring. Tanahashi gets back in the ring.

White maintains dominance. They trade blows. White continues to wrench and pull at Tanahashi’s arm. White covers for two.

White corners Tanahashi and continues to throw him around by the arm, devastating Tanahashi’s shoulder and elbow. Tanahashi blocks a Saito Suplex. White hits a Hammerlock Saito Suplex. White covers for two.

White removes Tanahashi’s protective sleeve. White pummels the injured limb. Tanahashi fights back. Tanahashi hits Dragon Screw. Tanahashi hits a series of axe handles. Tanahashi hits a flying cross chop. Tanahashi hits a low dropkick. Tanahashi climbs to the second rope. Tanahashi hits a Somersault Senton. Tanahashi covers for two.

White counters Sling Blade. After a series of counters, White hits an STO and a German Suplex. White hits a Death Valley Driver. White covers for two.

White fights off a comeback from Tanahashi. White hits a Uranage. White covers for two. Tanahashi counters Kiwi Crusher with Twist & Shout. Tanahashi hits a second Twist & Shout. Tanahashi smacks White. White counters Twist & Shout with a Fujiwara Armbar. White transitions to a double armbar. Tanahashi fights to the ropes.

Tanahashi hits Dragon Screw. White counters Sling Blade. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade. Tanahashi covers for two.

Tanahashi climbs to the top rope. Tanahashi kicks Gedo off the apron. White pulls Tanahashi off the top rope. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner with an Arm Trap German Suplex. Tanahashi covers for two.

Gedo tries to interfere but gets dropped by a slap from Tanahashi. With the referee distracted, White low blows Tanahashi. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner with a low blow. Tanahashi covers for two. Tanahashi hits an inverted Dragon Whip. White counters a Cloverleaf with a Double Wristlock Small Package for the pinfall in 19:16.

WINNER: Jay White


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