kofi kingston
Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

Kofi Kingston Giving Samoa Joe The Middle Finger Was Censored In Some Countries

When Kofi Kingston gave the middle finger to Samoa Joe during last nights SmackDown Live, it was a shocking moment for not only those in attendance but those watching at home too. Unfortunately for some viewers who may have wanted to see it, the moment wasn’t broadcast across the entire world.

According to a report from Post Wrestling, the middle finger was censored across some countries. Per the report, Sportsnet 360 in Canada and Sky television in New Zealand both didn’t show off the middle finger, likely cutting the camera off just before Joe moves away from the frame. Of course, not every country is going to show something like that, but with the rivalry between Kingston and Joe intensifying, who knows what we’ll be seeing next.

RELATED: Kofi Kingston Refuses To Shake Samoa Joe’s Hand, Flips Him Off Instead


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