Lex Luger
(Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)

Lex Luger Opens Up On Using Steroids And Human Growth Hormone

Lex Luger recently sat down with The Hannibal TV to discuss a litany of things about his life and his time in the ring. While he’s already touched on things like his motorcycle crash, WrestleMania debut, and more, he was also asked about his open use of performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career.

According to Luger, the steroid use actually started during his football career, where he says he took them during the offseason. “In my wrestling career, I actually would go on an 8 or 12-week cycle, and then go off for 8 or 12 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, I had a good foundation of football and power lifting, and working out, and I always had kind of a, from high school on, I was kind of, know what my calling card was? my physique, so a lot of that was genetics”

Luger said that growing up, things like performance-enhancing drugs weren’t seen as the bad things they are know, and were instead just part of the regiment when working out. Thankfully for Luger, his trainer at the time advised him of the best way to use them, including getting blood work done and cycling them as to not be truly abusing them. “Looking back now, well did you abuse steroids? Well, any illicit drug, I look at, there’s a potential abuse for it. If there was a way back then to monitor it, I did do that.”

Luger said that towards the end of his career, he switched over to an anti-aging supplementation, which helped him achieve a leaner look throughout the last 4-5 years of his career. According to the legendary wrestler, however, he never took high dosages of PED’s, and was always relatively smart about it. However, Luger says he doesn’t want to promote anyone using PED’s, and credits luck and a higher power to him having no medical issues late into his life, as PED’s can cause in some others.

Lex Luger talks Steroids


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