WWE NXT TakeOver: Toronto Live Results (8/10/19)

Matt Riddle rushes the ring via the crowd. Riddle says he knows Killian Dain is in the building. Riddle demands Dain get his harry ass out to the ring and fight him. Dain comes in through the crowd. Riddle and Dain brawl. Dain lands a pump kick. Officials run down tot he ring to separate Riddle and Dain. Dain walks up the ramp. Riddle hits a ripcord knee. Final Flash knee by Riddle. Riddle ground and pounds Dain. More officials run out on the stage. Riddle beats up security. Dain cross-body blocks Riddle. Riddle puts Dain in the sleeper. Dain, Riddle, and a security guard all fall off the stage through a table.

Austin Theory is shown in the crowd.

North American Championship Match: The Velveteen Dream (c) vs. Pete Dunne vs. Roderick Strong

Strong decks Dunne. Strong sends Dream out of the ring. Strong blast Dunne with a stiff chop. Dunne almost takes Strong’s head off with a lariat. Dunne almost stomps on Strong’s arm. Dream sends Strong out of the ring. Before Dunne and Dream can face-off, Strong pulls Dunne out of the ring. Dream floors Strong with an axhandle off the top. Dropkick to Strong by Dream. Dream holds Strong’s arm and tells Dunne to “do it”. Dunne stomps Strong’s arm. Dunne puts Dream in a flying armbar. Dunne tries the Bitter End, but Dreams slides out of it. Strong grabs Dream’s legs and crotches him on the ring post. Wrecking ball dropkick by Strong. Strong backbreakers everyone multiple times. Strong beats down Dunne in the ring while Dream is out on the floor. Dream hits the ring and unloads on Strong. Bret Hart elbow by Dream. Dream puts Strong in the sharpshooter. Dunne breaks it up with a dropkick off the top.  Dunne lands a moonsault to the outside onto Strong and Dream! Dunne German suplexes Dream, then German suplexes Strong on top of Dream. Dunne stomps Dream and Strong.

Dream and Strong beatdown Dunne until they realize they are working together. Dream and Strong trade punches with each other. Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver on Dunne. Strong Olympic slams Dream. Dunne X-plexes Strong. Dream goes up top Dunne cuts Dream off. Dunne snaps Dream’s fingers. Strong suplex Dunne off the top, which causes Dunne to arm drag Dream off the top at the same time. Everyone is down. Dunne puts Strong in a triangle. Strong picks Dunne up and hits a backbreaker. Dunne puts Strong in another triangle. Strong stumbles into the corner. Dream leaps from on end of the ring to the other and drops an elbow on Strong. Strong puts Dream and Dunne in the Stronghold at the same time. Strong eventually has to release the hold. Dream picks up Dunne and Strong at the same time. Dunne snaps Dream and Strong’s fingers at the same time. Dunne hits the Bitter End on Strong. Dream stops the referee from counting to three. Dunne curb stomps Dream. Dream DVDs Dunne. Strong tosses Dream out of the ring. Strong drops Dunne with the End of Heartache. Dream drops the Purple Rainmaker on both Dunne and Strong out of nowhere for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Velveteen Dream!

WWE NXT TakeOver Toronto Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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