WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (8/20/19)

August 20, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In-Ring Segment: Randy Orton

Orton says he isn’t like Kofi Kingston. Orton isn’t a liar. Kingston ran away from a fight in front of his wife and family. Kingston ran. Kingston is stupid. Orton enjoyed making Kingston watch as the Revival shattered Xavier Woods’ leg. Every time Orton give Kingston a chance, Kingston fails. New Day’s music hits but no one comes out. Orton turns around and Kingston blasts him with Trouble in Paradise. Kingston grabs a chair and places Orton’s leg in it. Kingston goes up top but before he can crush Orton’s leg, the Revival make the save. Kingston lays out Dawson and Wilder with a chair. Orton slithers out of the ring.

Backstage, Kevin Owens walks into Shane McMahon’s office. Shane threatens to fine Owens again. Owens says he isn’t here to fight he is just trying to focus on the King of the Ring. Owens said he had a week to think about it, it finally dawned on him how bad this is. 100 grand isn’t a lot to Shane but it’s a lot to Owens. Owens asks Shane to reconsider again. Shane says he will take it under consideration.

King of the Ring Round One: Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Apollo Crews

Crew destroys Andrade with a clothesline. Andrade sends Crews into the corner. Andrade hits the double knee strike for a near fall. Andrade locks Crews in a rope hang armbar. The referee breaks it up. Andrade dives off the top but Crews meets him in the air with a dropkick. Crews falls to the outside. Andrade tries a diving ranna. Crews catches Andrade and tries to powerbomb him. Andrade counters the powerbomb into a ranna that sends Crews face-first into the ring steps. After the break, Crews surprises Andrade with a popup gut buster. Pump kick followed by a clothesline by Crews. Crews gets another near fall after an Olympic slam. Andrade goes up top. Crews dropkicks Andrade. Crews tries a press slam but his arm gives out. Andrade misses another corner double knee strike. Standing shooting star press by Crews. Andrade kicks out. After Vega distracts Crews, Andrade hits the HammerLock DDT for the win.

Winner- Andrade

Andrade advances to the semifinals of the King of the Ring Tournament.


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