WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/30/19)

Miz TV

Miz welcomes his guest tonight, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Hogan is accompanied by Jimmy Hart. Flair tells Hogan that he is has been listening to Hogan’s music for 30 years and he is tired of it. Hogan Woos! in Flair’s face. Flair tells Hogan that he is better than him in the ring. Hogan tells Flair to bring it. Flair hits the ropes and Hogan points at him. Flair says he is just playing. Hogan tells Flair to admit neither of them are spring chickens anymore. The crowd chants one more match. Miz announces that at Crown Jewel Flair and Hogan will each captain five-man teams. Hogan announces that his team captain is Seth Rollins. Flair’s team captain is Randy Orton. Orton hits the ring and challenges Rollins to a match right here, right now.

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

King Corbin hits the ring. Orton and Corbin beat down Rollins. Rusev hits the ring and takes out Orton and Corbin.

Winner- No Contest

Backstage, Charly asks Rusev where Lana is. Rusev just growls. Charly changes the subject. Rusev says he is the only one who stepped up to help Rollins. Rusev challenges Rollins to a Universal Championship match tonight.

The Viking Raiders vs. The OC

Ivar and Gallows crash into each other. Anderson tags in. Ivar drives Anderson into the corner. Erik lands a few stiff knees. Gallows and Anderson work over Ivar. Ivar makes it Erik. Erik hits a flash knee on Anderson. Anderson rolls out of the ring. After the break. Ivar crushes Anderson with a basement crossbody. Cartwheel clothesline by Ivar. Ivar and Erik land their version of the Hart Attack Clothesline. Gallows breaks up the pin. Gallows Gas Masks Erik. Erik kicks out. Ivar takes out Anderson with a suicide dive. Erik suplexes Gallows. Ivar lands a frog splash for the win.

Winners- The Viking Raiders

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