IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (11/12/19)

Madman Fulton and Sami Callihan vs. Rich Swann and Tessa Blanchard

Blanchard marches down to the ring attacks Callihan. Swann hits a dive. Callihan surprises Blanchard with a brainbuster. Blanchard tags in Swann. Swann rannas Callihan off the top. Fulton and Callihan double team Swann. Swann manages to tag in Blanchard. Blanchard clears the ring. Blanchard tries Magnum but Callihan catches Blanchard. Callihan tosses Blanchard at Fulton, who elbows her in the back of the head. Callihan and Fulton double team Blanchard. Swann breaks up the pin. Swann tags in and gets a near fall after a handspring moonsault. Callihan tries to bring his bat into the ring.  When the referee takes the bat away, Fulton tosses Callihan the IMPACT Championship. Callihan hits Swann with the Championship. Callihan pins Swann.

Winners- Madman Fulton and Sami Callihan

After the match, Callihan and Fulton beatdown Blanchard and Swann. Brian Cage makes the save.

Backstage, Jordynne Grace finds Taya Valkyrie. Grace wants a match and it doesn’t have to be for the title. Bravo challenges Grace to a match. Grace says shes take on Bravo and Valkyrie.

Impact Wrestling Results Continue On The Next Page!


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