WWE Survivor Series Results

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/24/19)

RAW Tag Champions The War Raiders vs. NXT Tag Champions The Undisputed Era vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day

Big E., Kyle O’Reilly, and Ivar start the match. Ivar and Big E. toss O’Reilly and Fish all over the ring. Ivar and Big E. go nose-to-nose after clearing the ring. Big E. picks up Ivar but Ivar escapes. Big E. floors Ivar with a shoulder block. Erik slams Ivar on top of Fish. Kingston tags in and attacks Erik. Kingston dropkicks Erik. Fish dragon screw leg whips Kingston in the ropes. O’Reilly drops a knee off the top to Kingston’s knee. O’Reilly puts Kingston in a kneebar. Ivar breaks it up with a splash. Big E. belly-to-belly suplexes Ivar. Big E. tries to spear O’Reilly on the apron but O’Reilly moves out of the way.

Erik picks up Ivar with on the apron. Erik slams Ivar on top of everyone outside the ring. Fish chop blocks Erik. The UE take turns working over Erik. Erik manages to tag in Ivar. Ivar takes out both members of the UE. Big E. runs right into a spin kick by Ivar. Kingston standing double stomps Erik. Big E. suplexes Fish and O’Reilly. Big E. and Kingston hit a doomsday double foot stomp! Ivar breaks up the pin. Big E. launches Kingston over the top rope onto the UE. Big E. spears Erik through the ropes. Erik Flash knees Big E. Kingston accidentally kicks the ring post while trying to hit Trouble in Paradise. Fish and O’Reilly hit the High/Low on Kingston. Fish and O’Reilly try the High/Low on Ivar but Ivar cartwheels out of the way. Ivar handspring elbows Fish and O’Reilly. Erik and Ivar Viking Experience O’Reilly onto Fish for the win

Winners- The Viking Raiders

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