WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/11/19)

During the break, Angel Garza proposed to his girlfriend in the middle of the ring. She said yes!

Raul Mendoza vs. Cameron Grimes

Mendoza attacks Grimes as soon as the bell rings. Kushida comes to ringside. Mendoza hits a ranna into a pin for the win. Kushida takes Grimes’ hat and leaves with it.

Winner- Raul Mendoza

Backstage, Mia Yim says she isn’t here to wrestle Dakota Kai. Yim is here to fight.

Jaxson Ryker w/The Forgotten Sons vs. Travis Banks

Banks lands a few strikes. Banks knocks Ryker out of the ring. Banks lands a pk. Ryker responds with a slingshot suplex. Banks surprises Ryker with the Slice of Heaven for the win!

Winner- Travis Banks

Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai

Yim dropkicks Kai. Yim tosses Kai around the ring. Basement dropkick by Yim. Kai kicks out. Yim sends Kai into the steps. Yim hits a cannonball into the steps. After the break, Kai lands a head kick for a near fall. Yim leg-DDTs Kai. Overhead belly-to-belly by Yim. Kai kicks out. Yim lands the Code Blue for a near fall. Kai responds with a powerbomb. Kai misses a running boot in the corner. Yim German suplexes Kai. Kai kicks out. Yim lands a modified code breaker. Kai falls out of the ring. Kai takes the turnbuckle cover off. Kai sends Yim into the exposed turnbuckle. Kai rolls up Yim for the win.

Winner- Dakota Kai

After the match, Yim attacks Kai. Yim back suplexes Kai off the staging area through a table.

WWE NXT Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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