WWE TLC Results

WWE TLC Results (12/15/19)

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy

Murphy sits in the ring in the lotus position. When Black gets in the ring, he sits right in front of Murphy. As soon as the bell rings Black attempts the Black Mass. Murphy avoids it. Murphy and Black trade submission attempts. Black lands multiple thrust kicks. Murphy goes out to the apron. Black sweeps Murphy’s legs. Black tries a PK but Murphy catches Black’s foot. Murphy trips Black into the ring post. Black falls off the apron and lands face-first on the ring steps. Black is favoring his jaw. Black’s face is bleeding. Murphy back body drops Black to the outside. Black lands face-first on the ring apron. Murphy grabs Black’s ring jacket. Murphy tries to toss the jacket at Black but Black ducks. Black kicks Murphy in the face. Murphy dives off the top into a knee from Black.

Black lands a few more strikes followed by a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Black sends Murphy out to the apron after a spinning back elbow. Black sends Murphy into the ring post. Black lands a triangle moonsault to the outside. Black sends Murphy into the ring. Black catches Murphy with a running knee. Murphy kicks out. Murphy lands three head trap superkicks followed by a running powerbomb out of the corner. Black kicks out. After another strike exchange, Murphy drops Black with a brainbuster. Black somehow manages to kick out. Black retreats to the corner. Murphy does the same. Both men struggle to get to their feet. Murphy tells Black to come on. Black and Murphy trade strikes. Murphy ducks a spinning back elbow but eat the Black Mass. Murphy is out.

Winner- Aleister Black

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