Photo by John Peters/Man Utd via Getty Images

Mike Rome Wins And Immediately Loses 24/7 Title

During a recent house in Pittsburgh, the WWE 24/7 Championship saw a string of changes once again. Reigning champion R-Truth initially lost the title to Samir Singh, but before Singh could even properly celebrate, he was also dethroned as champion by none other than WWE Ring Announcer Mike Rome.

Of course, as you can tell from the video above, Rome promptly lost the title before he could even announce his name, as Sunil Singh rolled him up for the win. Following the other Singh’s victory,  however, R-Truth was able to once again capture his title, as he took advantage of both Singh Brothers arguing to roll up Sunil for the win.

RELATED: Akira Tozawa Wins WWE 24/7 Championship At Rockefeller Center, Loses It To Santa Claus


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