IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (1/21/20)

Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo and Ace Austin vs. Tessa Blanchard and Trey 

Blanchard and Austin trade shots. Trey tags in and sends Austin out of the ring with a ranna. Trey sets up a dive but Valkyrie stands in his way. Blanchard knocks Valkyrie off the apron. Double dives by Blanchard and Trey. After the break, Trey and Blanchard double team Austin. Valkyrie pulls Blanchard off the apron. Valkyrie and Blanchard trade shots. Austin spears Trey in the corner. Trey and Valkyrie lock up. Valkyrie lands a basement dropkick. Valkyrie and Austin take turns beating down Trey. Trey finally manages to tag in Blanchard. Blanchard almost hits Magnum on Valkyrie but Valkyrie moves out of the way. Trey hits a flatliner on Austin for a near fall. Austin hits his finish on Try for the win.

Winners- Taya Valkyrie and Ace Austin



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