Alexander Hammerstone
Photo Credit: MLW

Alexander Hammerstone Volunteers For An ‘Iron Man Challenge’ If MLW Runs Out Of Content

You can take the wrestler out of the ring, but you can’t take the ring out of the wrestler (does that make sense?) We all may be going a little quarantine crazy, but Alexander Hammerstone always looks toward the future.

As his feud with the local ducks continues to reach a boiling point, The MLW National Openweight Champion has had the gears turning and challenged any competitor on the roster to an Iron Man match once the concern of COVID-19 settles.

“So @MLW is a taped show and we were lucky to get ahead a couple of quality weeks of television before the current situation with corona. But if for some reason this lasts so long that we run out of episodes, I volunteer to do a 1 hour iron man match with one healthy MLW wrestler,” Tweeted out The Meat Castle.

This caught the eye of MLW CEO Court Bauer and it looks like he’s interested in taking the champ up on such once MLW’s Dr. Sweglar gives the a-ok:

Hammerstone has told league officials he would be willing to fight in the Arizona desert in an open environment and participate in all medical tests as long as his “Mexican prescribed treatments” are exempt.

With several wrestlers eager to get in line for a shot against the champ, league physician Dr. Sweglar quickly stepped in refusing to medically clear MLW athletes for competition during the pandemic.

However, MLW CEO Court Bauer has reportedly been impressed by Hammerstone’s tenacity and appetite for competition and promises to revisit the concept once Dr. Sweglar gives the green light for competition to recommence.

RELATED: MLW Fusion Recap: Alexander Hammerstone Shines Against Strongheart T-Hawk, Low Ki vs. King Mo



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