AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (4/29/20)

AEW Dynamite Results

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Before the action gets underway, get caught up with this AEW “Road To” video:

Cody vs. Darby Allin

The action started off simple with some chain wrestling. Darby would exploit a knee injury by Cody. On commentary, Chris Jericho would talk about how Cody defeated Austin Watson (Xavier Woods) during his days as a wrestler in high school. The actions spoke to the floor where Brandi Rhodes would incidentally be taken out after Darby would come charging and Cody sidestepped. A commercial break ensued shortly after Cody regained control.

Back from break, Cody is largely in control and gets Darby Allin into a single leg Boston Crab. Darby would eventually reach the ropes. Darby would counter a suplex and go back to the injured leg of Cody Rhodes. Now, momentum starts to shift in the favor of Darby, who gets a two-count off of a code red and then locks in a heel hook. Cody gets to the ropes forcing a break. With both men back on their feet, Cody Rhodes counters Darby with an elbow to the face and Darby stops Cody from delivering a moonsault off the top rope by tying him into the tree of woe and subsequently delivering a form of the coffin drop before trying a unique submission attempt which he transitioned into a more direct attack on the injured extremity of Cody Rhodes.

AEW would go to commercial with Darby Allin still in control.

Back from commercial break, both men would collide into each other with a double clothesline. Cody would deliver his signature uppercut and deliver a throw suplex followed by the beautiful disaster kick.

Cody teases hitting Darby with the weight belt but opts against doing so and then tries to pin Darby with a small package. Darby would kick out at 2 and then deliver a CrossRhodes to Cody. Cody would get out of that and Darby would lock in the figure four leg lock. Brandi Rhodes is back and she brought her husband some water. Darby smashes the water and Cody’s face Cody then retaliates by hitting a ripcord clothesline (rainmaker) Darby answers back by hitting his up and over stunner. Cody finally hits CrossRhodes but Darby kicks out at 2.

Cody goes for the coffin drop which Darby blocks. Darby hits the coffin drop but Cody rolls him up for the victory.


Coming up next is the second part of the Scorpio Sky vignette

Maxwell Jacob Friedman updates as all on his condition letting us know that his nail doctor has informed him that he has made a miraculous recovery from his dreaded hangnail injury. However, while shaving, he nicked his neck. looks like we’ll be seeing a little less of MJF for now… Wardlow is up next in (presumably) squash action

Wardlow vs. Musa

Wardlow lets this guy bounce right off of him & throws him around. Musa tries offensive Maneuvers including a cartwheel kick but the big man doesn’t go down. Wardlow threw him up to the top rope before just yanked him down in a GTS style maneuver before hitting the F10 for the three count.

WINNER: Wardlow

Episode 3 of The Bubbly Bunch WAS STAR-STUDDED

NO DQ: Best Friends vs. Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian

Chaos ruled for about 10 minutes. Orange Cassidy was taken out early by a steel chair to the face. There were lots of cherubims including piledrivers onto chairs I’m several slams into chairs that were seated but laying down horizontally. Penelope Ford would try to interfere later in the match but go crashing into Kip Sabian effectively taking him out of the match. Chuck Taylor would deliver an awful waffle to Jimmy Havoc onto a pile of chairs for the pin.

Winner: Best Friends

Coverage of AEW Dynamite Hour 2 continues on the next page.