WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (5/1/20)

May 1, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Daniel Bryan

Bryan says he loves this business and at this point in his career he wants to experience new things. That’s why this year’s Money in the Bank is so exciting. Bryan has competed in a lot of weird and wild places. Wrestling through a building is new. Bryan is excited. Winning the MITB match in the past was the most important moment of his career.

That’s what led to main eventing WrestleMania. Bryan is excited but sad. Bryan’s coach won’t be able to compete at MITB alongside him. Bryan is going to avenge Gulak against King Corbin tonight. Corbin walks out on the ramp and says Bryan should be careful what he wishes for. Bryan tells Corbin that he may have won MITB, but Corbin blew it.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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