WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (5/22/20)

Mandy Rose and Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sonya Deville

Otis says he wants Ziggler. Otis hits an airplane bodyslam. Otis tosses Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler tags in Deville which means Rose has to get in the ring. Deville forces Rose into the corner. Deville lands a few strikes. Rose Thez presses Deville and lands a few rights and lefts. Ziggler pulls Otis off the apron. Otis tries to slam Ziggler but Ziggler slides off Otis’ shoulder and pushes him into the ringsteps. Rose checks on Otis. After the break, Deville has Rose in a body lock. Deville releases the hold and levels Rose with a front kick. Deville kicks Rose in the head while mocking her. Rose lands a stiff right hand before getting a schoolboy for a near fall.

Deville grinds her wrist into Rose’s face. Rose creates some space with a jawbreaker. Deville lights Rose up with multiple kicks to the chest. Deville hits the ropes and runs right into a high knee by Rose. Rose manages to tag in Otis. Otis flattens Ziggler with a clothesline. Flapjack by Otis. Otis avalanches Ziggler in the corner. Otis calls for the Caterpillar but Ziggler tags in Deville. Rose tackles Deville. Rose lands tow running knee strikes. Deville kicks out. Deville counters Rose’s finisher and hits a running knee to the back of Rose’s head for the win.

Winners- Dolph Ziggler and Sonya Deville

After the match, Ziggler superkicks Otis as he is checking on Rose.

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