WWE Backlash Results

WWE Backlash Results (6/14/20)

Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus

Sheamus tosses Hardy down to the mat with a nasty headlock take over. Sheamus backs Hardy into the corner. Hardy locks Sheamus in a side headlock. Hardy is relentless. Sheamus manages to drive Hardy into the corner. Sheamus stomps Hardy while screaming about being peed on. Hardy dropkicks Sheamus in the knee. Hardy stomps on Sheamus’ knee over and over again. Hardy chokes Sheamus on the middle rope. When Hardy releases the hold, Sheamus turns him inside-out with a lariat. Sheamus manhandles Hardy all over the ring. Hardy backdrops Sheamus over the top rope. Sheamus lands on the apron. Hardy dropkicks Sheamus in both knees.

Hardy dives off the ring steps and clubs Sheamus. Hardy grabs the ring steps but Hardy eventually decides to leave them outside the ring. Sheamus drives his elbow into the back of Hardy’s head. Sheamus suplexes Hardy into the ring post. Sheamus lands a sidewalk slam. The referee checks on Hardy. Sheamus drops a king kong knee drop for a near fall. Hardy looks to be out. Sheamus crushes Hardy with two Irish curse backbreakers. Hardy somehow manages to kick out at two. Hardy surprises Sheamus with a suplex. Hardy tries to fire up but Sheamus cuts him off with a clothesline. Sheamus misses a clothesline off the top. Whisper in the wind by Hardy. Sheamus kicks out.

Hardy atomic drops Sheamus. double-leg drops to the groin by Hardy. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus misses the Brogue kick after countering the Twist of Fate. Slingblade by Hardy. Hardy goes up top. Sheamus cuts Hardy off with a right hand. Sheamus tries to set up a superplex. Hardy pushes Sheamus off the top. Before Hardy can get set, Sheamus pushes Hardy off the top. Hardy awkwardly lands on Sheamus. Sheamus hits white noise for a near fall. Sheamus puts Hardy in the cloverleaf.

Hardy gets to the bottom rope. Sheamus releases the hold at the four-count. Ten beats of the Bohdrenn by Sheamus. Hardy drops Sheamus with the Twist of Fate. Hardy hits the Swanton. Sheamus gets his foot on the bottom rope! Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Hardy tries to dive off the barricade but Sheamus lands a Brogue Kick. Sheamus tosses Hardy back into the ring. Sheamus hits another Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner- Sheamus

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