WWE SummerSlam Results

WWE SummerSlam Results (8/23/20)

Main Card

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) w/Sasha Banks vs. Asuka

Asuka slams Bayley. Asuka lands a few kicks. Asuka puts Bayley in a modified octopus hold. Bayley get her foot on the ropes. Asuka trips Bayley on the apron. Asuka grabs Bayley’s arm and snaps it on the middle rope. Bayley is sent flying after a hip attack by Asuka. Asuka dives off the steps and DDTs Bayley. Bayley kicks out. Bayley trips Asuka into the middle rope. Bayley hangs Asuka on the second rope. Bayley dives off the second rope and this a cutter. Suplex by Bayley. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly. Asuka kicks out. Asuka surprises Bayley with a head kick. Both women are down. Shoulder block by Asuka.

Asuka tosses Bayley across the ring. Flying hip attack by Asuka. Asuka follows that with a basement hip attack. Bayley kicks out. Asuka and Bayley fight out to the apron. Asuka tries another hip attack but Bayley catches her in the air. Bayley drives Asuka’s knee into the ring apron. Bayley puts Asuka in a leg lock. Asuka counters with an ankle lock. Bayley fights out of it. Bayley runs right into a code breaker by Asuka. Asuka tries a missile dropkick. Bayley reverses it into a leg lock. Sunset bomb by Bayley. After a distraction by Banks Bayley rolls up Asuka for the win.

Winner and STILL SmackDown Women’s Champion, Bayley!

As soon as the bell rings Banks attacks Asuka.

WWE SummerSlam Results Continue On The Next Page!


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