WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (8/26/20)

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Santos Escobar (c) vs. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott

Escobar sends Wilde and Mendoza to the back. Scott takes Escobar over with a springboard arm drag. Escobar rolls out of the ring. After the break, Escobar has Scott in a side headlock. Scott tries to suplex Escobar to get him to release the hold. Escobar holds on. Scott eventually escapes and hits a rolling suplex. Modified Gory Special by Scott. Scott turns it into a backslide for a near fall. Scott puts Escobar in a modified hammerlock. Escobar rolls to the outside. Escobar tosses Scott off the apron into the plexiglass barricade. Escobar lifts Scott in the air and drops him facefirst on the ring steps. Scott tries a double jump ranna off the top but Escobar reverses it into a powerbomb. Scott kicks out.

After the break, Scott lands a PK. As Escobar is dazed Scott flattens him with a Fosbury flop. Scott lands his rolling facebuster. Wilde and Mendoza hit the ring. Escobar kicks Scott in the head for a two count. Breezango runs down to ringside and attacks Wilde and Mendoza. Scott deadlift German suplex by Scott. Escobar kicks out. Scott hits his finish. Escobar kicks out. Scott catches Escobar’s legs as he tries a leapfrog. Scott hits an inverted slam. Escobar kicks out and rolls out of the ring. Escobar puts on a Lucha mask. As Scott tries to pull Escobar back into the ring, Escobar headbutts Scott. Scott is out cold… Escobar pins Scott.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweeight Champion, Santos Escobar!

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