tessa blanchard
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Tessa Blanchard Sketch Being Removed From WWE 2K Battlegrounds

WWE 2K Battlegrounds released today, and fans quickly found that the likeness of wrestling superstar Tessa Blanchard in the game. According to the photographer who snapped the picture that was seemingly pushed into the game, 2K Sports will be removing it via an in-game patch later today.

Basil Mahmud – a wrestling photographer –  initially tweeted out the image, which shows Blanchard posing in front of a ring after her IMPACT World Championship victory. The photo had seemingly been sketched into one of the many menus of WWE 2K Battlegrounds. While many wondered just what WWE or 2K would do, it seems as if both Mahmud and WWE Games have worked things out. Mahmud took to Twitter to offer an update, telling everyone that the image will be removed in a patch, and that he wouldn’t be saying anything else on the matter at this point.


RELATED: WWE 2K Battlegrounds Inexplicably Features Sketch Of Tessa Blanchard


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