WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/2/20)

RAW Survivor Series Men’s Team Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Keith Lee vs. Sheamus vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Lee hits a pounce that sends Strowman out of the ring. Sheamus and Strowman fight outside of the ring. Lee hits a senton over the top, flattening Sheamus and Strowman. Lee hit his head on the apron in the process. Sheamus and Lee fight over to the announce desk. Strowman appears out of nowhere and freight trains them both. Strowman tries to chokeslam Sheamus and Lee through the announce desk. Lee and Sheamus escapes and sends Strowman into the ring steps.

Sheamus and Lee hit Strowman in the face with the ring steps. Strowman is sent flying over the announce desk. Sheamus pushes Lee into the ring post. Sheamus blasts Lee with ten beats of the bodhran. Lee picks up Sheamus and lawn darts him into the barricade. Lee tries to slam Sheamus on the steps. Sheamus reverses it into a sleeper. Sheamus charges in and hits a crossbody that sends everyone through the barricade. After the break, Strowman sends Lee out of the ring. Strowman tosses Sheamus all over the ring. Strowman misses a splash in the corner. Sheamus picks up Strowman and hits white noise. Strowman kicks out.

Sheamus goes up top. Lee tries to cut him off but Sheamus goes for Lee’s eyes. Strowman tries to superplex Sheamus. Lee grabs Strowman and takes everyone off the top with a tower of doom. Lee crushes Strowman with a crossbody. Strowman kicks out. Sheamus hits a slingshot shoulder block. Lee tosses Sheamus with a standing belly-to-belly. Lee tries another but Sheamus counters with a knee strike. Lee kicks out. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Strowman clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring.  Lee utterly destroys Strowman with a lariat. Strowman kicks out. Lee sets up the Spirit Bomb. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Lee. Strowman Powerslams Sheamus for the win.

Winner- Braun Strowman

After the match, Styles tries to get everyone to shake hands. Strowman yells at Lee that he knows they don’t like each other but he wants to win at Survivor Series. Lee and Strowman shake. Sheamus refuses. Sheamus hugs Strowman. Strowman turns around thinking everything is sweet. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Strowman. Strowman falls out of the ring. Lee pounces Sheamus out of the ring. Before Lee can celebrate, Styles dropkicks him out of the ring. Styles celebrates on his own.

Backstage, Angel Garza talks about how he makes that special person feel even though they can’t be next to each other right now. Garza offers this person a rose. We have no idea who he is talking about.

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