Tommaso Ciampa Timothy Thatcher
Photo Credit: WWE

Tommaso Ciampa Gives Velveteen Dream A Fairy Tale Ending In NXT Main Event

Tonight’s episode of NXT ended in a huge match between Tommaso Ciampa and Velveteen Dream, two of NXT’s biggest superstars who have quickly formed a bit of a rivalry over the past couple of weeks. In a match that went down to the wire, it was Ciampa was able to overcome Dream late in the match to grab a huge win.

Towards the end of the match, Dream looked ready to walk away with a dominant win, as he delivered a brutal superkick to Ciampa after the two had fallen outside of the ring. After getting back into the ring, Dream attempted to use his cast on Ciampa with the referee distracted, but Ciampa hit a big Flying Knee to drop Dream. After the two rolled each other into various submissions, Ciampa eventually locked Dream into The Fairytale Ending, which was enough to grab the win.

For more on how the match ended, check out below:

Ciampa slams Dream down to the mat by his arm. Dream counters the Fairytale Ending into a pin. Ciampa kicks out. Ciampa escapes the Dream Valley Driver. Dream suplexes Ciampa over the top rope but they both fall to the outside in the process. Dream superkicks Ciampa. Dream tosses a chair in the ring. As the referee is distracted Dream tries a shot off the top with the cast. Ciampa counters with a flying knee. Ciampa rolls Dream into the hangman’s position and hits Willow’s Bell. Ciampa transitions into The Fairytale Ending for the win.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (11/4/20)


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