IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (11/10/20)

Back from break, Swann thanks The Rascalz for saving him tonight. Since they still got a week left, how about Trey teams with Swann and Dez teams with Wentz next week. The Rascalz are game. Trey jokes he’s on “team last name.”

Deonna is going up against Su Yung in a No DQ match against Su Yung. It can get dangerous, but Kimber Lee agrees with Deonna that it’s nothing they can’t handle. Deonna brags herself up before turning to Kimber Lee, but Lee has vanished. Deonna goes looking for her and sees written on a glass office window “I think ur alone now.” Suddenly, Kimber Lee’s lifeless body gets slammed up against it and it scares Deonna off.

Back to Mitchell and Dreamer. Mitchell says Dreamer is going to have to trust him on this. Dreamer says he has to do these interrogations himself. Mitchell says he understands as he slides a chair out for Havok. Dreamer notes that there’s some heat there. Dreamer tells Havok she didn’t want to bring Mitchell back to life, but Rosemary made her do it, and now she’s mad. Mad enough to shoot John E. Bravo? Havok says he should be asking Rosemary these questions. He plans to after Turning Point. Havok didn’t answer his question: did she shoot him? We cut out to the ring.


Reno Scum vs. Fallah Bahh & Crazzy Steve

Bahh and Luster start it off. Bahh crashes down on him with a running crossbody. Tag to Steve who sentons on top of Luster. Luster sends him into his corner and makes a tag to Thornstowe. He hits a crisp dropkick on Steve and does a standing moonsault. Two count. Tag to Luster and the two gang up on Steve. Mongolian chops to the shoulders of Steve. A stomp to the corner before giving Steve a trip to Pitty City. Steve bites Thornstowe and soon tags in Bahh. Double chops repeatedly downs Thornstowe and he corner splashes both men. Belly to belly on Luster, but Thornstowe gets a boot up. Bahh catches Adam leaping off the top for a Samoan Drop. Two count. Bahh drags Adam over and goes for a Banzai, but Thornstowe rolls out of the way and they do a double stomp double team for the victory.

WINNERS: Reno Scum

Sabin is talking to someone off-screen and says he needs someone to watch his back. He needs someone with tag expertise. Heck, he’ll even buy him a beer. He doesn’t need to as it’s James Storm who’s already ten in. Storm is more than willing to be his tag partner this Saturday at Turning Point.

Willie Mack is being checked on by a doctor. He has a bruised layrynx, but the good news is he’s been cleared to wrestle. Moose tries to attack him once more, but Willie Macks turns the tables and chokes him. He says he’ll see him at Turning Point.


Josh Alexander (with Ethan Page) vs. Karl Anderson (with Doc Gallows)

Anderson wrenches Alexander down, but Josh makes the most fo his amateur background. Collar and elbow has Karl backed in a corner. Chop the chest and a shot doesn’t phase Anderson as they trade blows for a bit.Back forerman downs Alexander before Karl clotheslines him out for a commercial break.

Back from it, the two continue to elude one another’s offense, but Alexander catches hold of Karl on the outside, gouging the face and mouth of Machine Gun. Stomps back in the ring by Alexander. The Walking Weapon is in control and chokes Karl on the middle rope. Hard punches by Alexander to keep Karl grounded. Anderson is back vertically and gives Alexander some shots, but Josh downs him again and feeds him knees in the back. Snap suplex into a floatover for two. Headlock on the ground by Josh. Anderson gets to his feet and elbows free but only to get a belly-to-back. Two count. Alexander talks trash before trying to drop a knee which Anderson evades. Karl kicks his way free in the corner, but Alexander launches him hard into that very corner with an Irish whip. A sitting abdomenal by Alexander gives Karl some shots to the ribs. Anderson ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker on Josh. Both men struggle to their feet. Shots traded. Harc clotheslines by Anderson before catching him with a senton in the middle of the ring. Soon after a spine buster is laid down and a fall is quite near. Anderson lifts Alexander up for a superplex, but it doesn’t happen and Alexander soon hits a running boot in the middle to get a near fall.

Alexander goes for a double underhook driver but Anderson back body drops him. Two trade some real hard blows and Anderson hits a jarring lariat for a close fall. He sizes up Alexander for the Gun Stun, but Alexander shoves him up and Ethan grabs the leg of Karl. He kicks him off and looks to go after Alexander but in comes Ethan and we get a DQ finish.

WINNER via DQ: Karl Anderson

The teams brawl it out as a bunch of security come out to break the two up. That’s the end of the show.