WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/28/20)

Backstage, Charlotte Flair says Nia Jax injured her and she was out for half a year. When she returned she beat Jax for the tag team titles. Asuka walks in and says Nia Jax isn’t ready for Asuka.

AJ Styles w/Omos vs. Elias w/Ryker

Elias works over Styles. Styles fires up and send Elias out of the ring Elias slams Styles now injured shoulder into the ring post. After the break, Elias continues his assault. Ryker tries a sneak attack but Omos steps up. Ryker trips over himself trying to get away from Omos. Styles fires up and lands an ushigoroshi for a near fall. Styles calls for the Styles Clash but Elias escapes. Elias surprises Styles with Drift Away. Styles kicks out. Elias goes up top. Styles cuts Elias off. Styles hits the Pelé kick. Elias hits a TKO for another near fall. Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner- AJ Styles

Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali w/Retribution

Ricochet lights Ali up with chop after chop. Bodyslam followed by an elbow drop by Ricochet. Ali kicks out. Big back body drop by Ricochet. Ali trips Ricochet into the middle rope. Flying neck breaker by Ali. After a distraction, Mace and T-Bar launch Ricochet into the barricade. After the break, Ali drops Ricochet with a backstabber. Ricochet kicks out. Ali continues his assault. Ali taunts Ricochet, demanding Ricochet join them. Ricochet does a backflip and German suplex Ali. Ricochet turns Ali inside out with a discus clothesline. Ricochet hits the KickBack. Ricochet tries to pin Ali, but Mace pulls Ali out of the ring. Ricochet takes out every member of Retribution. Ricochet tries a shooting star press but Ali gets his knees up. Ali locks Ricochet in the Koji  Clutch. Ricochet passes out.

Winner- Mustafa Ali

After the match, Ali tells Ricochet to join him. Ricochet says no and hits the Recoil on Ali. Ricochet escapes the ring, avoiding the rest of Retribution.


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