WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (4/5/21)

Xavier Woods w/Kofi Kingston vs. AJ Styles w/Omos

Woods lands a few strikes. Styles rolls Woods into the Calf Crusher. Kingston runs over to Omos and throws a mic at him. Omos is totally unfazed. Omos chases after Kingston. Kingston gets in the ring. In the confusion, Woods rolls up Styles for the win.

Winner- Xavier Woods

Backstage Damian Priest and Bad Bunny arrive at the arena in a Bugatti.

In-Ring Segment: Braun Strowman

The ring is surrounded by a cage. Strowman says he has dealt with people like Shane McMahon his whole life. Shane doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. Strowman says he’s going to whip Shane’s ass for everyone who has ever had to put up with a bully like Shane. Shane interrupts and tells Strowman after WrestleMania Strowman is going to wake up and realize he is stupid.

Braun Strowman vs. Ryker and Elias w/Shane McMahon

Elias and Ryker double team Strowman. Ryker holds Strowman down as Elias lands an elbow drop. Elias and Ryker both pin him but Strowman kicks out with authority. Shane inches towards the ring. Strowman turns in Shane’s direction. Shane scoots back up the ramp. Strowman Powerslams Elias and Ryker. Strowman pins Elias and Ryker at the same time.

Winner- Braun Strowman

Backstage, Miz and Morrison paint all over Bad Bunny’s Bugatti. The car is worth 3.6 million dollars.

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