Photo by Desiree Navarro/WireImage

WWE Lawyer And Konstantine Kyros Comment On Supreme Court Refusal To Hear WWE Concussion Lawsuit

On Monday, April 26, the Supreme Court of Connecticut declined to hear arguments pertaining to attorney Konstantine Kyros’ concussion lawsuit against WWE. As a result, the lawsuit is officially over, for all intents and purposes.

In an update to this development, both Kyros and Jerry McDevitt, a lawyer for WWE, commented on the refusal.

“We’re glad it’s finally over,” said McDevitt via ESPN. “We were completely vindicated.”

RELATED: Supreme Court Declines To Hear Arguments For WWE Concussion Lawsuit

Meanwhile, Kyros maintained his stance that CTE remains a deadly issue in the wrestling business. He also argued that WWE has wrongfully denied its workers proper health care. Kyros emphasized that, despite the outcome of the lawsuit itself, he hopes that the matter receives more attention now.

“The wrestlers are dying of CTE despite the inaction of the justice system,” said Kyros. “Our team is proud to have brought their claims to our highest court and hopeful that this brings awareness to their ongoing struggles.”