gable steveson
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images

Gable Steveson Calls Brock Lesnar One Of The Greatest Things To Happen To WWE, He Hopes To ‘Do It All Too’

Gable Steveson has the right guy in his corner if he wants to conquer WWE after his amateur wrestling days are over.

Steveson, an NCAA Division I Champion and current US Olympian, recently spoke with Michael Morales Torres of Lucha Libre Online about having Brock Lesnar as his mentor. He called Lesnar a one-of-a-kind talent and said that he’s working hard to put himself in a similar position in his own career.

“Brock Lesnar, he’s one of a kind. I mean, I personally know Brock Lesnar myself we practice together. We have pictures and everything else. To be able to know Brock… He’s probably the best thing that WWE has touched. He’s a physical specimen. He was one of a kind. I’m trying to make sure that I can be the be that next one-of-a-kind person. So following that, and that journey,” he explained, “but do it in my own way, and be the best that I can in my own way. But to have someone like, Lesnar be in my corner is crazy. I know he wishes me good things and he’s gonna keep pulling me in the right direction. Brock Lesnar is one of the greatest things that’s happened to WWE. He’s done it all. I hope to do it all too.”

Steveson says it’s hard to explain, but put over Lesnar as great competitor and said the former WWE Champion has helped put him on the right path. He also talked about his own potential in WWE and said he’s hard-pressed to say they agreed on terms, but it’s more of a question of when, not if he joins the company.

“We’ve been in talks. I mean, they’ve known me for a long time now and I’ve sparked interest in them for a long time. Now to say that we have reached a full agreement, it is like, I don’t know if I can like say that. But like, we’ve been in talks. I mean, I haven’t signed the dotted line. I haven’t done nothing like that. But there’s been really deep talks and I know the times gonna come soon, where I’m gonna make a decision and get the best thing for me and the best thing for them too. So the time is coming soon. I just don’t know when it is,” he said, “but it’s just a matter of time. I hope the WWE world is ready, because the next big thing is here now.”


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