Photo Credit: WWE

Ted DiBiase Tells Cameron Grimes He’s Got ‘It,’ But LA Knight Interrupts

Ted DiBiase sees a lot of The Million Dollar Man in Cameron Grimes, but LA Knight sees a speed bump in the millionaire from North Carolina. DiBiase and Grimes had their “Million Dollar Faceoff” in the center of the Capitol Wrestling Center on tonight’s NXT and matters began a bit contentious between the two money makers, but DiBiase did admit that he saw quite a bit of “The Million Dollar Man” in Cameron. This took some of the tension off between the two adversaries.

That however, was interrupted by LA Knight. He made his million dollar pitch to Ted (“Kovorka” and all) and DiBiase sure was tempted. He began to compliment LA Knight’s million dollar potential until Grimes stopped such discourse. Grimes copped to LA having “Kavorka” and veins in his shoulder and muscles, but he makes it clear that Knight isn’t no millionaire and if he didn’t exit the ring, he was gonna kick Knight’s ass “to the moon.”

Knight wasn’t having it and gave Grimes his inverted stunner. That left Grimes grounded as DiBiase stood over him before releasing his maniacal cackle to close the segment.

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