WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/5/21)

Backstage, McIntyre tells us a story about the loch ness monster and his sword.

Drew McIntyre vs. Jinder Mahal w/Veer and Shanky

McIntyre runs over Mahal. Mahal stomps McIntyre in the corner. Mahal sends McIntyre into the corner. McIntyre explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Mahal fires back. Mahal counters McIntyre’s suplex with a suplex of his own. Mahal walks right into an overhead throw by McIntyre. Mahal rolls out of the ring. Veer and Shanky check on Mahal. McIntyre follows but gets block by Mahal’s heavys.

Mahal chops McIntyre in the throat and suplexes him on the announce desk. After the break, Mahal is working over McIntyre. McIntyre surprise Mahal with the Glasgow kiss. McIntyre fires up and hits a series of overhead throws. Mahal almost hits the Khallas. McIntyre counters and hits the future shock DDT. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Shanky gets in the ring and attacks McIntyre to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

After the match, Veer, Shanky, and Mahal beat down McIntyre. Mahal drops McIntyre with the Khallas. On the stage, Mahal says since McIntyre took his MITB opportunity, he’s taking McIntyre’s sword, which is a family heirloom.

Backstage, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods say they don’t have to adjust their strategy now that this is a tag match. They are the greatest tag team of all time. Kingston says he dropped too many truth bombs on MVP and Lashley. MVP is magically healed and Lashley cut his vacation short. After MITB, Lashley and MVP can take as many vacations as they want, since Kingston will be the new two-time WWE Champion.

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