WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/26/21)

Contender’s Match: Sheamus (c) vs. Damian Priest

Sheamus takes an early advantage and lands a few strikes. Priest fires back. Flying back elbow by Priest. Priest clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Priest feints a dive. Priest rolls out of the ring and tries a spin kick. Sheamus catches Priest and drops him on the apron, back first. After the break, Sheamus’ mask comes off. Sheamus goes up top. Priest cuts Sheamus off and chokeslams him off the top rope. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus counters the Reckoning with an Alabama Slam. Priest kicks out. Sheamus tries to lock Priest in a cloverleaf. Priest blocks it and kicks his way out of the hold. Priest unloads on Sheamus with strikes. Sheamus bounces off the rope and hits a pump knee. Priest somehow kicks out. Priest surprises Sheamus with the Reckoning for the win.

Winner- Damian Priest

After the match, Sheamus screams about his nose being rebroken. Sheamus wants a doctor, now!

RAW Tag Team Championship: AJ Styles and Omos (c) vs. The Viking Raiders

Erik destroys Styles with a running knee strike as soon as the bell rings. Erik picks up Ivar and tosses him into Omos. Ivar and Erik drop Styles with the Viking Experience. Omos pulls Erik out of the ring during the pin. Omos sends Erik into the barricade. After the break, Ivar works over Styles. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm but Ivar cartwheels out of the way to avoid it.

Lariat by Ivar. Styles responds with a tornado DDT. Ivar holds Omos’ legs to stop him from breaking up Erik’s pin. Styles kicks out under his own power. Styles floors Erik with the Pelé kick. Omos tags in and bodyslams Erik. Omos clears the ring. Omos hits the Baldo Bomb. Styles hits a springboard 450 for the win.

Winners and STILL RAW Tag team Champions, AJ Styles and Omos!

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