ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (8/2/21): Women’s Title Tournament Begins

ROH Women’s Championship Tournament: Sumie Sakai vs. Rok-C

In a pre-match promo, Rok-C describes how she has always just wanted to make her younger self proud because she’s chasing her dream. Sakai notes how she’s a former champion in ROH, and she’ll fight to win. Rok-C says she’ll do everything she can to make sure she wins the tournament.

Sakai and Rok-C feel each other out, and the veteran gains the upper hand early on. Rok-C does a handspring and knees Sakai in the stomach to gain some momentum. “The Prodigy” hits an arm drag and a running European uppercut. Sakai grounds Rok-C, but she nearly gets caught with a roll-up for the upset. Both women get back to their feet and exchange strikes. The former Women of Honor World Champion hits a crossbody and floors Rok-C with a backbreaker.

Sakai locks in a high-angle crab, but Rok-C claws her way to the ropes. She continues to target Rok-C’s back with an elbow drop, but “The Prodigy” rallies. A knee to the head stuns Sakai, and Rok-C plants her with a side Russian legsweep. Rok-C hits one neckbreaker, but Sakai fires back with a suplex. Rok-C gains the advantage, but Sakai almost gets the three with a roll-up.

Sakai hits the Fisherwoman Buster for a near fall. The veteran comes close to getting the win with another pin attempt, but Rok-C clinches the victory with a roll-up of her own.

Winner: Rok-C

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