WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/16/21)

Backstage, Miz finds Morrison. Morrison says he’s hurt because his friend turn his back on him when he lied to him. Morrison wanted Miz to know what it felt like. Miz and Morrison agree it’s all water under the bridge.

In the Playground, Bliss says she’s going to put an end to the Evaluation at SummerSlam. Doudrop walks in and grabs Lilly. Bliss tells Doudrop that she wouldn’t do that if she were her. Doudrop stares into Lilly’s eyes. Doudrop slowly hands Lilly back to Bliss. Doudrop walks away.

Mace w/T-Bar vs. Mansoor w/Mustafa Ali

Mansoor tries a single leg but Mace tosses Mansoor clear across the ring. Mace turns Mansoor inside out with a modified suplex. Mace works over Mansoor. Mansoor fries up. When the referee is distracted Ali kicks Mace into a sunset flip by Mansoor. Mansoor gets the three count.

Winner- Mansoor

Backstage, Omos says he’s going to beat Orton tonight.

Randy Orton vs. Omos w/AJ Styles

Orton tries a right hand but Omos catches Orton’s hand. Omos picks up Orton and mocks him before slamming. Omos charges on. Orton sidesteps and Omo eats the turnbuckle. Omos sends Orton out of the ring. Styles kicks Orton in front of the referee.

Winner- Randy Orton

After the match, Omos launches Orton into the barricade. Omos drags Orton back into the ring. Riddle runs to thring ring a brawl breaks out pi. Riddle clears the ring. Orton grabs a mic and says Riddle has earned his respect for having his back tonight. Riddle gets super excited. Orton says RKOBro is back. Orton hugs Riddle. Riddle challenges Styles and Omos to a title match at SummerSlam.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!