WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (10/22/21)

King of the Ring Coronation

Kofi Kingston introduced King Xavier Woods. Kingston bestows upon King Xavier his cape, scepter, and crown. Woods thanks the crowd for helping him achieve his dream. Woods beckons Kingston to read the King’s Gospel, which ends with a “hail, King Woods!” chant. Woods and Kingston celebrate.

Backstage, SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch says she never lost the RAW Women’s Championship. Maybe instead of exchanging titles, she’ll become Becky Two-Belts again…

Mansoor vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali a splash. Mansoor tosses Ali out of the ring. Mansoor back body drops Ali off the apron. Crossbody for a near fall by Mansoor. Ali hits a powerbomb. Mansoor kicks out at two. Ali runs right into a nasty lariat by Mansoor. Sunset flip off the second rope by Ali. Mansoor turns it into a pin of his own for the three count.

Winner- Mansoor

Hit Row  has a cipher on the way to the ring

WWE SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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