WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (11/26/21)

Backstage,  Drew McIntyre tells Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce he expects to be in the battle royal tonight.

Backstage, Kayla is talking to Aliyah. Heyman walks up behind Kayla. Aliyah runs off. Heyman asks Kayla if she has an actual confirmation. Heyman says if Kayle doesn’t have actual confirmation by the end of the night, she’s gone. At least, that’s what Heyman is pushing for.

Ridge Holland w/Sheamus vs. Cesaro

After a distraction from Sheamus, Holland sends Cesaro flying in the air with a reverse chop block. Holland lands an arm trap headbutt before launching Cesaro with a double arm suplex. Cesaro rolls up Holland for the win.

Winner- Cesaro

Thanksgiving Leftovers Throwdown: Rick Boogs w/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Angel Garza w/Humberto Carrillo

Garza throws his pants at Boogs and in the confusion lands a dropkick. Both Garza and Boogs both try to put each other through a table with food on it. Neither can get the other through the table. Gut wrench powerbomb by Boogs. Carrillo grabs Boogs guitar and stands on the table playing it. Boogs tells Carrillo to put it down. Nakamura sweeps Carrillo’s leg and he goes through the table. Boogs turns around and walks right into the Wing Clipper for the win.

Winner- Angel Garza

Backstage, Kayla asks Pearce who is going to be in the battle royal tonight. Pearce says the list will be posted on his door once he’s given approval. Kayla asks if Pearce knows anything about Lesnar’s suspension being lifted. Pearce says he knows nothing about that and he would be shocked if that were the case.

In-Ring Segment: Charlotte Flair

Michael Cole asks Flair how she is feeling after the loss to Becky Lynch. Flair says she is only disappointed in the terrible officiating. Lynch had to cheat and everyone saw it. Flair notes that Lynch can think whatever she wants, she is still the greatest champion ever. Toni Storm inturupts. Strom tells Flair that she is right here. Flair says she barely knows who Storm is. Flair tries to attack Storm. Storm avoids it and sends Flair out of the ring. Storm follows and gets hit in the face with a pie. Flair tells Storm to come at her. Storm lunges and Flair hits her with another pie. Flair laughs as she walks away. Storm is livid.

WWE SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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