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Photo Credit: GCW

Brett Lauderdale: GCW Isn’t Focused On Competing, We’re Just Trying To Be The Best At What We Do

GCW is one of the hottest professional wrestling promotions in the world, but they aren’t too worried about what anyone else is doing in the pro wrestling landscape.

Game Changer Wrestling Founder Brett Lauderdale recently appeared on SEScoops’ The Business Of The Business podcast and explained how he’s not worried about where GCW ranks amongst the bigger promotions and says they’re only focused on themselves.

“I’m very confident in our product and I think that what we do is special and unique and entertaining and fun and all that stuff. As far as numbers go, #3, #2 or #1 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7, I don’t really feel like we’re competing with anyone. We’re just focused on what we’re doing and trying to be the best at what we do.”

Lauderdale also spoke about having the Briscoe Brothers coming over from Ring Of Honor and what it could mean seeing them compete in GCW.

“The Briscoes are awesome and it’s not secret that they are awesome and that they are one of the best tag-teams of all time. Obviously, they were under contract with Ring of Honor, which was great for them. Unless you were a hardcore Ring of Honor fan, you don’t really see the Briscoes as much. There’s so many matchups and so many people that have never had the chance to work with them. It’s exciting for the fans and I can also tell you it’s exciting for the Briscoes.”

Lauderdale then delved into GCW’s relationship with Pabst Blue Ribbon and explained how it’s not a sponsorship, it’s more of a partnership.

“I hate the term sponsor. We’ve talked about this with PBR. We like to consider what we do to be more of a partnership. We’re kind of signed on to work together for the duration of 2022. We’ve got several events lined up that we’re going to partner on. A lot of ideas that we’re working on and developing. PBR is a very cool brand and I think a lot of people don’t fully understand the history of that brand and what they’re doing now. From a cultural standpoint, they match up with us, they are a good match with GCW. We kind of have the same demo.”


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