Bron Breakker & Santos Escobar NXT Championship Match at NXT Vengeance Day
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results (2/15/22)

North American Championship Match; Carmelo Hayes (c) w/Trick Williams vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes and hayes trade pin attempts and submission holds. Hayes turns Grimes’ armbar into one of his own. After a takedown/leapfrog spot, Grimes tells hayes to kiss his grits. Big back body drop by Grimes. Grimes tries a PK but ends up getting tripped on the apron. Hayes lands a springboard leg drop as Grimes is draped on the middle rope. After the break, Hayes is working over Grimes. Grimes surprises Hayes with his patented standing C4. Grimes fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Hayes attempts head scissors but Grimes turns it into a side effect. Hayes kicks out. Codebreaker by Hayes. Hayes catches Grimes with a springboard splash.

Grimes kicks out. Hayes and Grimes trade strikes. Grimes lands a superkick for a near fall. Grimes lands a few more kicks. Williams gets on the apron. Hayes almost crashes into Williams. Grimes destroys Hayes with a poison ranna. Grimes gets another near fall after a crossbody. Grimes crushes Williams with a Cave In outside the ring. Hayes sends Grimes into the announce desk. Hayes eventually stuns Grimes on the top rope. Diving ax kick by Hayes for the win.

Winner and still North American Champion, Carmelo Hayes!

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: MSK vs. The Creed Brothers w/Malcolm Bivens

Lee and Carter double team Julius, landing a flurry of strikes, capped off with a double stomp. Julius rolls out of the ring. Lee dives over the top and lands on Julius. Lee sends Julius back in the ring. Julius suplexes Lee on the top rope. After the break, The Creeds are working over Lee. Lee manages to tag in Carter. Carter clears the ring. Deadlift German suplex by Carter. MSK hits the Hot Fire Flame on the apron. Carter swantons Julius. Lee hits the final flash. Julius kicks out. Lee slingshot Julius into a double stomp by Carter. Carter tries a dive but Julius catches him and hits a modified spinebuster. Julius sends Carter back in the ring and hits a basement lariat for the win. Bivens is crying.

Winners- The Creed Brothers

In-Ring Segment: IMPERIUM

GUNTER yells at the ring announcer for mispronouncing his name. Aichner and Barthel promise to destroy The Creed Brothers. GUNTHER says it’s time for him to win gold in NXT. He will be watching the NXT Title match tonight. Solo Sikoa inturupts and says where he comes from you go after the biggest dog. Sikoa promises to make GUNTHER his bitch.

Backstage, Dolph Ziggler promises to end Tommaso Ciampa. He’s going to watch the title match tonight closely.

NXT Championship match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Santos Escobar w/Legado del Fantasma

Breakker tosses Escobar over the ring. Breakker runs over Escobar. Escobar catches Breakker with a dropkick. Breakker counters a dropdown by Escobar with a gator roll into a delayed verticle suplex. Steinerline by Breakker. after a distraction from Wilde, Escobar knocks Breakker off the apron. Suicide dive by Escobar. Escobar sends Breakker into the ring steps. Escobar works over Breakker. Breakker fires up and lands a few strikes. Each member of Legado interferes but Breakker dispatches each of them.

Ziggler appears out of nowhere and superkicks Breakker while the referee is distracted. Breakker kicks out. Ciampa attacks Ziggler. Escobar hits a tornado DDT. Escobar tries a frog splash, mirroring Eddie Guerrors victory over Brock Lensar but Breakker moves out of the way. Breakker spears Escobar out of his boots. Breakker hits his press slam finisher for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Bron Breakker!




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