GCW Don't Tell Me What To Do Nick Gage
Image Credit: GCW

GCW Don’t Tell Me What To Do Results (2/20/22): GCW Tag Title Match And More

Scramble Match: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Bryan Keith vs. Colby Corino vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Billie Starkz

Corino blasts Starkz with a big boot during her entrance to kick-start the match. Cartwheel flips around the ring. Starkz dives onto Corino, and he slams her onto the chairs at ringside. Mathers dives onto the duo, alongside Lloyd. Cartwheel dives onto everyone outside the ring. Starkz spikes him on his head, but Mathers breaks up the pin. Mathers powerbombs Corino. Keith plants Mathers with a piledriver. Corino kicks Cartwheel below the belt. Mathers drops Starkz with a Spanish fly. Lloyd spikes Cartwheel with a package piledriver.

Starkz slams Corino with a Dragon suplex. Cartwheel dives onto Mathers and Corino outside the ring and pins Keith with a corkscrew splash.

Winner: Jack Cartwheel

Joey Janela and Marko Stunt vs. Second Gear Crew (AJ Gray and Matthew Justice)

Stunt dives onto Second Gear Crew while they’re still making their entrance. Janela follows him with a dive of his own. The match is practically a street fight in the early going, as the two teams brawl around the arena. Janela gets a trash can and punts it across the floor onto Gray. Justice throws it right back at “The Bad Boy” and hits it with him again. The fight continues around the outskirts of the arena. Janela runs across the floor and jumps, but Justice dodges and sends him crashing through a door.

Second Gear Crew seemingly locks Janela outside the arena. Gray squirts some hot sauce into Stunt’s mouth and chops him. Justice and Gray set up some chairs and some doors in the ring. Janela finds his way back to the ring and sends Gray through a door with a leg drop. Justice tackles Janela through a door with a Spear. Stunt hits both of his opponents with a chair and slams Gray through a door with a Sliced Bread. Janela drills Justice with a superkick and slams him onto a chair. Second Gear Crew team up on Janela and powerbomb both him and Stunt through a door.

Justice and Gray throw chairs at Janela and kick one to his face. A Doomsday Device on Stunt earns Justice and Gray the win.

WinnersSecond Gear Crew (AJ Gray and Matthew Justice)

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Gringo Loco

Scorpio and Gringo exchange technical holds early on. Gringo briefly gains the upper hand, but the two men trade fast-paced counters, as they’re evenly matched. Gringo takes Scorpio off his feet and gets a two count. The veteran fires back with a clothesline. A spinning DDT earns Gringo another two count. The fan-favorite star plants Scorpio with a diving cutter. Scorpio earns the win with a suplex and a dive off the top rope.

Winner2 Cold Scorpio

Death Match for the GCW World Tag Team Championship: H8 Club (Nick Gage and Matt Tremont) (c) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley)

Gage and Murdoch start the bout and trade blows. The former world champion plants Murdoch with a DDT, but Bentley blasts him with a light tube. Light tubes shards are flying, as the two teams brutalize each other. In the ring, Gage tackles Murdoch through a glass pane. He bashes Murdoch with multiple light tubes. He jabs his opponent’s heads with the shards. Gage gets a pizza cutter and slices Murdoch’s forehead with it. Tremont crashes onto some chairs at ringside. Murdoch and Gage exchange strikes to the head.

Bentley throws a few chairs at Tremont. The Rejects gang up on Gage and smash him with some light tubes. Bentley grinds Tremont with a light tube, and the challengers collectively beat him up. The Rejects shatter glass into Gage’s face for a two count. Gage and Tremont rally, as the former kicks a light tube into Murdoch’s face. Gage floors Murdoch with a piledriver through glass. Tremont dumps tacks onto Bentley and squashes him with a splash for the win.

Winners and still GCW World Tag Team Champions: H8 Club (Nick Gage and Matt Tremont)

After the match, Gage grabs a microphone and says he loves his “gang.” He discusses the H8 Club’s history and states that he wants to honor his brother’s memory. Gage says Tremont is the only man who can help him do that. Moving forward, Gage makes it clear that they’ll represent his gang and run through the tag division.

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