Alex Hammerstone
Photo Credit: Major League Wrestling

Alex Hammerstone Believes Crossing Paths With Killer Kross In MLW Is Inevitable

Alex Hammerstone believes it’s only a matter of time before he stands across the ring from Killer Kross.

MLW Champion Alex Hammerstone recently sat down with Sid Pullar III of the Bleav in Pro Wrestling Podcast to discuss a variety of subjects. When asked about Killer Kross’ return to Major League Wrestling, Hammerstone believes that as long as he sticks around, the two are bound to cross paths inside the squared circle.

Kross debuted for Major League Wrestling debut at MLW Fightland on February 1, 2020, but his tenure ended with that taping as it was announced on February 4 that he had signed with WWE. Hammerstone hopes that Kross sticks around a bit longer this time, because it will lead to an eventual showdown between them.

“I’ve known Kross for a long time. I knew Kross from basically the moment he got into the business,” Alex Hammerstone revealed. “He’s been something special since day one. As far as if I see myself having to cross paths with him, if he sticks around for more than a cup of coffee, then that’s inevitable. He is just going to tear through everybody in his path until he inevitably gets to me. So, depending on the length of his stay, I think that’s more of when, not if.”

When asked to reflect upon his journey of finally becoming a World Champion, Hammerstone said it’s all been a blur, but he feels extremely grateful and lucky to be in the spot he’s in right now.

“It’s crazy because it’s a blur, man. It goes by so fast,” Alex Hammerstone said. “I was talking to a friend over the weekend. I was on a show and we were talking we’re like, ‘When was that match?’ We’re like, ‘Oh my God, that was like six years ago.’ And then a fan came to the merch table to a show I was on Saturday, and he is talking to me, ‘Hey, I remember seeing you here. It had to be like three years ago.’ And then he came back, he pulled up the picture and he goes, ‘Oh, actually it was eight years ago.’

“You start to look back and realize how long the journey took and how many times there was those really low spots. So, to be where I’m at right now, I feel extremely grateful. I’m very privileged. I’m very lucky. I’ve had a lot of good people help me to be where I’m at and it’s phenomenal. But that being said, I’m not taking anything for granted. You know? So, when these big fights come up, I’m not relaxing because I feel like I’ve made it. If anything, I kind of take a look in the rear-view mirror and realize all the B.S. I had to deal with to get here and say, ‘I’m staying here.’”

READ MORE: Major League Wrestling Confirms Alex Hammerstone Has Signed A Multiyear Contract Extension

What do you make of Alex Hammerstone’s comments? Would you like to see a match between him and Killer Kross in Major League Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.