matt hardy
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Matt Hardy Says There Was Concern About XFL Cutting Into WWE Talents’ Pay Back In 2001

The XFL will be going into it’s third version come 2023, but back in 2001 a pre-Version 1 Matt Hardy did have concerns about it affecting his WWE paycheck. On the latest episode of Extreme Life With Matt Hardy, Matt talks to Jon Alba about how there was bit of worry amongst the WWE superstars that this new brand of Vince McMahon football would be dipping in at the pay window

“The locker room was definitely worried about it and they were worried about it just cutting into our money, our profits?” Matt asked. “Are they gonna take part of our money, part of the WWE chunk of change and put into the XFL? Are we going to lose money?’ I feel like we didn’t get paid as much,” he added.

“You almost become a victim just out of circumstance as crazy as that sounds. Obviously, Vince has taken all this money, he claims that it’s not going to be from WWE, but all this money to just start up this project, the XFL, and I know people were worried about it.”

“I feel like house show paydays like went down by a couple $100 and just everyone was aware but, ‘Oh it’s the XFL, it’s cutting into our money. It’s cutting into our money. We’re going to be the ones that pay for this when it’s all said and done.

“aybe that’s paranoia, maybe just business structure change, business models change, whatever, but I do know that there was a sense that guys felt like we were being paid a little less,” he said.

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