thunder rosa
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Thunder Rosa Compares Potential AEW Women’s Title Win To ‘Graduation,’ Eddie Guerrero’s 2004 WWE Title Win

Thunder Rosa is on the brink of history.

Thunder Rosa recently spoke with Denise Salcedo of Instinct Culture and explained what it would mean to her to win the AEW Women’s Championship, comparing it to Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE Title back in 2004.

“I always cry, even when I am a heel. {laughs} I am the worst heel because I get very emotional. I am not a heel, which is weird because you know how spicy I am sometimes. {laughs}… When Eddie Guerrero won the championship, I feel like it’s gonna be very similar to that or even bigger. When was the last time that a Mexican born wrestler wins a major title in a major company? and it’s not only about being Mexican, being a Latina, when is the last time that a Latina, that not only represents Mexicanas but represents so many other countries, I cannot tell you how many Nicaruaguans, Costa Ricans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, they stop at my table and say ‘ You represent me.’

“That’s huge so just imagine when I am on my knees holding this thing, probably shaking after having this bad ass match, how many people are gonna be crying in their home with me? Of happiness. Because this is not only an achievement for Thunder Rosa and the Cervantes family, this an achievement for so many people of color that struggle every single day in their own way doing their dreams and they finally achieve the major one. It’s like when your kid goes to college and he graduates. It’s kinda like the same thing. That will be graduation.”

Thunder Rosa is set to challenge Britt Baker for the AEW Women’s Championship at AEW Revolution on March 6.

Read More: Powerhouse Hobbs Declares AEW Revolution Will Be A ‘Powerhouse’ Night, Aims To Show ‘Pure Power And Dominance’


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