IMPACT Wrestling Johnny Swinger JONAH
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/3/22)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling,  The Bullet Club bad boys will battle Violent By Design and G.O.D. in multi-man tag action and Johnny Swinger seeks retribution against JONAH. Plus, Chelsea Green takes on Tasha Steelz to determine the number one contender for Mickie James’ Knockouts Title.


New Orleans, LA, March 3, 2022

Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt


Eddie Edwards vs. Steve Maclin

Steve B-lines for the ring but Eddie knees him getting in. The bell doesn’t ring as the fight takes place outside. The match soon gets underway. Running boot from Eddie takes Maclin right back outside. Steve turns the tide with a tope scud to the outside. He covers back in the ring for a two count. The two men trade shots. This goes on for a bit as Maclin finds himself holding onto the second rope to recover. Leaping lariat to Maclin. The fight keeps going as more shots are traded. They slug it out to the enjoyment of the crowds. Maclin hits a uranage backbreaker and follows that up with a lariat. Angle slam to Edwards. Edwards soon gets caught in a tree of woe due to his own accord and Maclin catches him in the crosshairs with a charging spear. He attacks Edwards on the outside and tries to roll Eddie back in but Eddie rolls right out. As Maclin goes to get him, Eddie cracks him with a Kendo and we have a DQ.

WINNER: Steve Maclin

Eddie continues the assault until Team IMPACT comes to Maclin’s aid. Maria Kanellis gets on the mic to say that Team IMPACT has been brainwashed and now that Eddie has changed his mind and came back to reality, it makes you question everything. Heath says that’s the most delusional he’s heard all night. Vincent says he knows a lot about being delusional. If he thinks he’s going to be champion at Sacrifice, he’s living a lie. Heath challenges Vincent and we head to break.


Vincent vs. Heath

The two battle back and forth, but a double axe downs Heath in the ring. Heath takes Vincent down but the two reset. Very paced out. Heath does a 10 punch in the corner. He then smacks Vincent’s head in the corner ten times. Elbows to Vince’s skull. Vince gets Heath down with a CM Punk like neckbreaker. Two count.  The men fight into the break. Back from it, Vincent is on a roll. He hits a belly-to-back and a flatliner. Another two count.

Later, Vincent hits a Red Rum for a very near fall, but it’s Heath who ultimately hits a wake-up call for the 1-2-3.


Post-fight, an all out brawl breaks out between Honor No More. Moose comes out and inadvertently spears Matt Taven. Heath hits a Wake-Up Call on Moose and gets the visual three count.


Masha Slamovich vs. Raychell Rose

Besides a running elbow in the corner, Slamovich is dominant. Sit-out powerbomb followed by a Snow Plow secures the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Masha Slamovich

G.O.D. isn’t pleased with Jay White. Tama Tonga makes it known he made it personal. Switchblade is threatened by them and him. VBD comes in and Eric Young say they’re on the side side. Tonga disagrees. EY says it’s a business arrangement. Tonight they take all the emotions and thoughts and put them in the back seat. They take their pound of flesh tonight.

Ace Austin tells Mike Bailey he wants to take Speedball striaght to the top with him. Bailey agrees they’d be a good tag teaam and pokes at Madman a bit.


Madison Rayne vs. Cassie Lee

Madison takes some shots at Cassie but she mounts Madison with punches. Rayne resets on the outside. Cassie pulls her back through the ropes. Rayne distracts the ref and it allows Tenille Dashwood to choke Cassie over the bottom rope. Rayne suplexes Lee for a near fall. Cassie ends up getting the win when Kaleb with a K catches Jessica McKay and gently puts her down. This distracts Madison to get caught with Cassie’s finish for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Cassie Lee

We see a vignette on Jake Something as he hypes his match against Trey Miguel at Sacrifice.

Out comes Mickie James to join commentary for the number one contender’s match.


Tasha Steelz vs. Chelsea Green

Chelsea hits a big knee to Steelz for a near fall. Steelz fires back with a codebreaker. She begins to control the match and she stomps a mudhole into Chelsea.  She delivers plenty of headbutts and then talks trash to Mickie at ringside. Cheslea turns it around and drives Steelz into the bottom turnbuckle gets a two count next. Green hits a package flatliner for a two count.

Steelz hits a bulldog for a near fall on Chelsea. Both women get to their feet and it’s Steelz who dumps Tasha. Steelz distracts the ref and Savannah boots Green down. Mickie stands up but she promised Chelsea she wouldn’t get involved. Steelz climbs up top for the frog splash: 1-2-3.

WINNER: Tasha Steelz

Matt Cardona is a little miffed backstage after security asks him for some identification.


Johnny Swinger vs. JONAH

Swinger rakes the eyes of JONAH and goes for a side Russian leg sweep. JONAH downs him for a running senton. Psunami splash. 1-2-3.


JONAH goes to hit Swinger one more time with another splash, but PCO interrupts. JONAH nails PCO with a splash too, but PCO reanimates and tosses JONAH out of the ring. Lousisana is behind PCO.

Deonna Purrazzo is undefeated in the “Champ Champ” challenge. In comes Gisele Shaw and she says Deonna is living in the shadow of her. Deonna takes exception before exiting. Lady Frost comes in to reveal to Shaw that she has a rematch against Shaw before Sacrifice.


Bullet Club vs. Violent By Design & Guerillas Of Destiny

Once G.O.D. comes out, no time is wasted and an all-out brawl begins. The bell hasn’t rang yet as security tries to restore order. Scott D’Amore comes out and makes it a no DQ match. We head to break.

Back from it, Tama Tonga finds himself the lone man in the ring before. Joe Doering and Switchblade duke it out. Jay White lures Doering over to ringside to hit him with a trash lid. Deaner wedges a trash can in the corner before setting sights on Chris Bey. Ir ends up being Bey who double stomps Deaner with the trash can on his head. Doering evens the odds as he catches a leaping Bey and slams him on the apron.  The Good Brothers and G.O.D. battle on the entry way. Doering has hold of a trash can but Jay White comes from behind to choke Doering with a chain. Doering powers White and Judo throws Jay onto the trash can. Deaner misses a diving headbutt on White. He goes for a Bladerunner on Deaner, but Doering levels him. G.O.D. end up on top as they toss Bey out until the GBs protect Jay White and dump Loa and Tonga. The GBs and G.O.D. battle backstage. Joe Doering stare downs Jay White. Huge bodyslam and elbow to White. Deaner crashes down fro up top and covers but it’s Bey who makes the save.

Joe Doering sets up a door in the corner. Doering charges at Bey, but Bey rolls out of the way and Doering collides into the door. This allows Bey to hit a Bladerunner on the steel chair and it’s good enough for the W.

WINNERS: The Bullet Club