aew revolution

AEW Revolution Results (3/6/22)

AEW Women’s World Championship: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) vs. Thunder Rosa

Baker and Rosa lock up, and the two rivals feel each other out early on. They trade holds and strikes before Rosa catches Baker with a backbreaker. Baker fires back with a neckbreaker. Hayter pulls Rosa’s hair when the referee isn’t looking. Baker sends Rosa face-first into the turnbuckle.

More interference from Rebel and Hayter helps Baker maintain the advantage. Rosa rallies and slams Baker with a Northern Lights suplex. The champion hits an Air Raid Crash for a two count. Rosa rallies again with a dropkick in the corner. Baker slams Rosa with a neckbreaker and takes control. Rosa avoids the Lockjaw by dumping Baker on her head.

Baker hits an avalanche Air Raid Crash for a two count. Rosa hits a Tombstone, but Rebel distracts the referee. Another distraction from Rebel helps Baker stomp Rosa onto the title belt, but the champion still kicks out. She goes for the Lockkaw, but Rosa reverses into a modified sleeper. Baker taps out, but the referee is again preoccupied with Rebel.

Rosa Spears Rebel off the apron, and the distraction helps Baker hit the stomp for the win.

Winner and still AEW Women’s World ChampionDr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

Jon Moxley vs. Bryan Danielson

Moxley and Danielson feel each other out while the fans chant, “We want violence.” Both men crash to the floor, as the match is a stalemate early on. Moxley dares Danielson to hit him, and he does. “The Purveyor of Violence” fires back with some stiff blows of his own.

Moxley remains in control and even steals his “Yes!” kicks. “The American Dragon” takes Moxley down with a dragon screw and shows him how the kicks are really done. Both men keep trading strikes and give the fans the “violence” they asked for.

Hands and feet keep flying, but Moxley sends Danielson flying to the floor. Moxley catches a suicide dive and punches Danielson. They keep trading blows, and both men are down after they headbutt each other. The strike busts Moxley wide open, and Danielson is bleeding too.

Moxley turns Danielson inside-out with a lariat. “The American Dragon” floors him with a superplex, drills him with elbows, and locks in a dragon sleeper. Moxley nails Danielson with a series of his own elbows. Danielson traps Moxley in the LeBell Lock, but Moxley reaches the ropes. Both men kick each other in the face repeatedly. Moxley stomps Danielson’s head. Danielson hits his running knee for a two count.

Danielson has a triangle choke locked in and hits Moxley, but “The Purveyor of Violence” rolls and pins his opponent for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Danielson and Moxley keep fighting after the bout, Officials try to separate them, but William Regal storms to the ring and breaks it up. He slaps both men and makes them shake hands.

Tony Schiavone runs through the card for AEW Dynamite on Wednesday night; in addition to the previously announced TNT Championship match, Leyla Hirsch will face Thunder Rosa on Wednesday. The winner will challenge Baker the following week on Dynamite.

Tornado Trios Tag Team Match: A..H.F.O. (Andrade El Idolo, Matt Hardy, and Isiah Kassidy) vs. Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Sting 

Allin charges the ring and clotheslines Andrade to the outside. The bout quickly breaks down into a brawl. Sting beats up Jose The Assistant, and Allin dives onto him while he has a garbage can around his head. Andrade blasts Allin with a chair. Guevara and Allin suplex him onto the floor. Hardy and Kassidy try to gang up on “The Icon”, but Sting hits them with a trash can.

Andrade slams Allin into the corner. Guevara eats a Twist of Fate. The fight continues outside the ring, and Allin dodges a diving Andrade. Kassidy, with Marq Quen’s help, drops Guevara with the Silly String on the floor. Sting hits Hardy with a chair as they venture into the crowd.

The Butcher and The Blade interfere and attack Sting. Butcher slams Butcher into the barricade. Guevara slams Kassidy off a display through a table below with a Spanish Fly. A.H.F.O. gangs up on Sting, but the legend dives off a balcony onto Andrade through three tables.

Back in the ring, Allin hits the Scorpion Death Drop and the Coffin Drop on Hardy for the win.

WinnersSammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Sting 

AEW World Championship: Hangman Page (c) vs. Adam Cole

The fans chant, “Let’s go Adam” to support both men. They lock up and feel each other out. Cole talks some trash, and Page drops him with a stiff blow. Hangman hits Cole with a dropkick between the ropes. He throws Cole into the barricade and blasts him with a running boot. The challenger dodges a lariat, sending Hangman arm-first into the ring post. Cole slams Page into the ring steps and controls the next few minutes.

Hangman rallies with a boot, but Cole slams him to the mat for a two count. Page counters the Panama Sunrise and gains the upper hand with a fallaway slam. Hangman powerbomb Cole onto the apron and hits his signature diving moonsault to the outside. Cole catches Page with a backstabber, but the champion responds with a powerbomb.

Cole blasts Page with a superkick in mid-air for a two count. The champion hits the Dead Eye for a two count of his own. Cole locks in a crossface, but Page escapes. The challenger slams Page wrist-first onto the apron, but Hangman hits a Tombstone out of nowhere. The two foes trade blows, and Hangman hits a suplex. Cole catches Page with a neckbreaker.

The two men battle on the top rope, and Hangman hits an avalanche falling slam for a two count. reDRagon comes to the ramp and distracts Hangman. Cole capitalizes with a superkick and hits the Panama Sunrise onto the floor. Cole hits Page below the belt and hits the Boom for a near fall.

The challenger drills Hangman with two superkicks, but he fires back with a lariat. Cole dodges the Buckshot Lariat and kicks Hangman again. Page collapses to avoid the Boom. Fish and O’Reilly set up a table at ringside. Hangman counters Cole and slams him through the table with a Deadeye.

The Dark Order comes to ringside and checks on Page. The stable brawls with reDRagon, and the fight travels up the ramp. Page hits the Buckshot, but Cole reaches the ropes. Hangman ties Cole to the ropes and kicks him in the head multiple times. Cole fires back with a kick of his own and escapes. Another superkick floors Cole. Hangman nails the Boom and hits the Buckshot Lariat for the win.

Winner and still AEW World Champion: Hangman Page

Hangman stoops over Cole’s unconscious body and shakes his hand.

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