sami callihan
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Sami Callihan Recalls The Three Separate Times He Pooped His Pants During A Match

Accidents happen in wrestling…sometimes more literally than others.

During an appearance on IMPACT Wrestling’s “CALLIHAN UNCENSORED“, JONAH and former IMPACT World Champion Sami Callihan traded stories about how they’ve both accidentally pooped in the ring. Callihan revealed that he’s done it three times in meaningful matches throughout his remarkable career.

“I’ve pooped myself three separate matches man, three separate matches that I hold very near and dear,” Callihan began. “They’re all bangers of matches.”

Callihan went on to recap all three incidents, which came in matches against Jon Moxley, Walter, and Kyle O’Reilly at various points throughout his journey as a wrestler.

“I think s—‘s hilarious, like I’m a big fan of poop humor. I have three separate times in three very pivotal matches in my career,” Callihan continued. “Number one, the first time I sh– myself was on Redline, it was the first time I ever drank Redline, which, do they even make Redline anymore? It was like the first pre-workout. There was stuff in there, obliviously illegal now. I remember I took it and I’m like oh man, I’m feeling good, I got this great pump. And I went out and I wrestled, it was the Jeff Peterson Cup in Florida.”

Callihan recalled how he got through his first match, but he desperately had to go to the bathroom right after the bout, so he hopped the guardrail and rushed to the toilet. Unfortunately, this trip didn’t ultimately make a difference, as his contest with Jon Moxley ended on an unideal note. By the conclusion of the match, there was both blood and poop in the ring.

“The finals of Jeff Peterson Cup is me versus Jon Moxley,” said Callihan. “The match prior, he had got busted open by Arik Cannon, lost a lot of blood, had like glue on his head. And I remember before the match he tells me, ‘Man, just make sure, don’t bust me back open, I’ve lost a lot of blood’ I’m like okay, good, man, like I’m feeling okay at this point, okay let’s do this. Match starts going on, within thirty seconds of the match, he’s headbutted me and is bleeding everywhere already, thirty seconds into the match.

“We’re wrestling, and we do something, and he’s like, ‘Oh man, I’m bleeding, things need to end soon.’ And I’m like, ‘Nah, man, you’re okay.’ So we keep going and I remember he gave me a bodyslam and I just s—. Like straight s—. And I was like, ‘Man, this match has gotta be done, I s— my pants. He’s like, ‘Nah man, I’m bleeding to death. We’re not finishing this, we’re going.”

Indeed, they kept going, as they finished the bout. Ironically, another bodyslam was responsible for the second time Callihan pooped his pants in the ring. This incident came in a bout against WALTER, or as he’s now known, Gunther.

“Second time I s—my pants, it’s me versus Big Van Walter, big old Walter, and this is when he was way bigger than he was now,” said Callihan. “He had this thing where he just bodyslammed people to death. And at this point, I’m probably six or seven bodyslams in. I had a huge drinking night the night before, already wrestled Davey Richards earlier in the night. So I’m just feeling it. And he bodyslammed me, s— went everywhere. And you feel it, I’m like, ‘Oh man. I’m winning 16 Carat tonight, this is the worst thing that could ever happen. Got through it.”

Finally, the third occasion came in a bout against Kyle O’Reilly. As with the first time, Callihan went to the bathroom beforehand, but he still couldn’t escape his poopy fate.

“And the final time, PWG, Kyle O’Reilly, another time that I’ve had a terrible incident with pre-workout,” said Callihan. “So I took it and I’m doing commentary with Excalibur. And like I’m pretty sure, I don’t remember what show it was. But it was the only time I wrestled Kyle O’Reilly at PWG. Earlier in the night, I’m doing commentary, and like three minutes into the match, I stop talking and I go [poop], I gotta go, I gotta go. And I just run off.

“Kyle O’Reilly and me wrestle later on. He gives me a knee to the stomach, s— my pants instantaneously. And we wrestled another 25-30 minutes. I remember getting to the back and Super Dragon being like, ‘Yo you guys’ match was kinda slow starting out, but it got really good.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I s— my pants!”

Callihan is currently recovering from a broken ankle, but fans can look forward to seeing him wrestle again at some point in the near future.

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