WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (4/18/22)

Veer Mahaan vs. Jeff Brooks

Mahaan mauls Brookes. Million-dollar Lariat by Mahaan. Brookes taps out to the Cervical Clutch.

Winner- Veer Mahaan

After the match, Mahaan puts Brookes in the Clutch again. Referees and officials hit the ring and pull Mahaan off. Mahaan puts Brookes in the hold again.

Backstage, Deville yells at Adam Pearce about Belair attacking her. Deville wants Pearce to give her the biggest fine ever. Pearce says he did fine Belair and he lets her know that WWE Management has opened an inquiry into Deville’s behavior. Deville says she has done everything by the book. Belair walks in and Deville tells her to leave. Belair says she is here to pay her fine. Deville tells her to wire it to WWE Headquarters. Belair hands Pearce a dollar bill. Pearce says he hopes Belair has learned her lesson. Belair says, yes, a whole dollar’s worth. Deville is livid. Pearce says he did it by the book.

The KO Show

As the show starts, Brookes is being loaded into an ambulance. Chad Gable is in the ring. Owens says he hates liars. There is a “new” superstar in the back who claims he is Elias’ younger brother. That is a lie. Owens got the smartest man in the WWE Chad Gable to administer a lie detector test and immediately after that beat Ezekiel in a match. Owens introduces his guest as Elias. Ezekiel’s music hits and he walks to the ring. Ezekiel tries to explain, again, that he isn’t Elias. Ezekiel says he wants to take the lie detector but before e does he as a question: Who wants to hear Zeke speak? The crowd goes nuts. Owens says that’s the same thing just different! Gable tells the crowd to shoosh while he is setting up the test.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE RAW Results (4/11/22)

Gable asks Ezekiel if that’s his real name. Ezekiel says yes and the test says he’s telling the truth. Owens doesn’t believe it. Gable asks if Elias is his older brother. Ezekiel says yes. The lie detector has determined that is the truth. Owens asks if his real name is Elias. Ezekiel says no. The test yet again has determined that is the truth. Owens kicks Gable out of the ring. Ezekiel says he’s tired of playing these games. Owens is the biggest liar in WWE. Owens says Ezekiel is going to tell him the truth or else. Ezekiel says or else wat. Owens just walks away again. Gabe attacks Ezekiel from behind.

Chad Gable vs. Ezekiel

Ezekiel l eventually locks Gable in a single-leg crab. Otis hits the ring and attacks Ezekiel from behind causing a disqualification.

Winner- Ezekiel

RK-Bro vs. The Street Profits

Dawkins and Ford work over Riddle. Riddle tags in Orton. Orton clears the ring. Orton and Riddle land stereo hangman DDTs. Riddle calls for the RKO. The Usos music hits, which causes a distraction. The Street Profits hit the Street Sweeper for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits.

On the ramp, Ford tells Riddle and Orton that they had the Usos’ music played during the match. RK-Bro are so focused on the Usos when they should be worried about the Street Profits.

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