WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (4/18/22)

MVP issues a challenge for a test of strength between Omos and Bobby Lashley. Lashley accepts.

Rhodes is in the ring for his mystery opponent. Rollins walks out on the stage and introduces the surprise opponent: Kevin Owens! Owens and Rhodes hug on the ramp.

Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens

Owens lands a few strikes before doing the Goldust taunt in Rhodes’ face. Rhodes sends Owens out of the ring. Rhodes tries a dive but Owens cuts him off with an elbow strike to the face. Owens suplexes Rhodes into the barricade. After the break, Rhodes tries to fire up. Owens crushes Rhodes with a senton to the back. Suplex by Owens. Owens tries another suplex but Rhodes reverses it into a gourd buster. Rhodes tries Crossroads but Owens turns it into a DDT. Owens tries a senton but Rhodes gets his knees up. Rhodes and Owens spill over the announce table as they brawl. Rollins music hits and he makes his way back to ringside.

After the break, Owens lands a swanton. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes reverses the popup powerbomb into a ranna. Superkick by Rhodes. Superkick by Owens. Rhodes turns Owens inside out with a lariat. Popup powerbomb by Owens. Rhodes kicks out. Fisherman’s suplex off the top by Owens. Rhodes gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Rollins is pacing outside the ring. Owens sets up a piledriver on the apron. Rhodes backdrops Owens on the apron. Rollins tries to motivate Owens to get back in the ring. Owens gets upset and takes a walk. Owens is counted out.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

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